2022 spring
International Commerce


[General Required Courses]
Course No. Class No. Cred.-Lec.-Lab. Course Title Professor Class Time Bld.-Rm. Lang Remarks
875.823 001 3-3-2 Comparative Methodology
EUN, KI-SOO Fri.(09:30~11:20)/Fri.(11:30~13:20) 140-103 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course
875.810 001 3-3-2 Research Methodology and Skills
Kim, Chong Sup Thur.(09:30~11:20)/Thur.(11:30~13:20) 140-103 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course
875.532 001 3-3-0 Understanding East Asia
동아시아지역의 이해
JEEHWAN PARK Tue.(10:00~12:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course
875.520 001 3-3-0 International Cooperation
국제협력의 이해
Sheen, Seong-ho Wed.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course
875.512 001 3-3-0 International Economic Relations
국제경제관계의 이해
Rhee, Yeongseop Mon.(14:00~16:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔ®Only GSIS full-time students can take this course

[International Commerce Major Courses]
Course No. Class No. Cred.-Lec.-Lab. Course Title Professor Class Time Bld.-Rm. Lang Remarks
M2190.001400 001 3-3-2 Quantitative Methods for International Economic Policy Analysis
국제경제정책 평가분석 방법론
JaeBin Ahn Tue.(09:30~11:20)/Tue.(11:30~13:20) 140-2-202 EN
M2190.001300 001 3-3-0 Theory of International Trade and Commerce
JaeBin Ahn Tue.(13:30~16:20) 140-1-102 EN
M2050.001200 001 3-3-0 Data Analytics for International Commerce
국제통상 데이터 분석
Soohyung Lee Thur.(10:00~12:50) 140-1-101 EN ⓔSince STATA practice is included, the STATA license must be prepared by each student.
8751.821 001 3-3-2 Seminar in International Commerce 2(Data Analytics For Empirical Research Projects)
국제통상세미나 2(실증분석 연구프로젝트를 위한 데이터 분석)
Soohyung Lee Thur.(14:00~15:50)/Thur.(16:00~17:50) 140-1-102 EN ⓔpre-requisite:Data Analytics for International Commerce
8751.814 001 3-3-2 Seminar in International Commerce 1(Emerging Trade Issues and Negotiations)
국제통상세미나 1(신통상이슈 및 협상)
Myunghee Yoo Thur.(14:00~15:50)/Thur.(16:00~17:50) 140-102 EN
8751.812 001 3-3-2 International Negotiation Simulation Game
AHN, DUKGEUN Mon.(14:00~15:50)/Mon.(16:00~17:50) 140-2-202 EN ⓔrecognized as: either commerce or cooperation
8751.718 001 3-3-0 World Trade Organization & Multilateral Trade Agreements
세계무역기구와 다자간무역협정
AHN, DUKGEUN Wed.(09:00~11:50) 140-2-202 EN ⓔrecognized as: either commerce or cooperation
8751.619A 001 3-3-2 Global Business Strategy
글로벌 경영전략
YIN WENYAN Wed.(14:00~15:50)/Wed.(16:00~17:50) 140-103 EN
8751.518A 001 3-3-0 Topics in International Commerce(Fintech and International Finance)
국제통상특강(핀테크와 국제금융)
Rhee, Yeongseop Tue.(10:00~12:50) 140-105 EN