Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2008-10-22 Quantifying the Benefits from Liberalization of Barriers Against Foreign Direct Investment DL admin
2008-10-20 Korean Influence in America and the Future of the Next Generation DL admin
2008-10-20 Inequality in Transitional Economies in Central Asia: A comparison with Latin America DL admin
2008-10-13 US Economic Policy Toward Asia in the Next Administration DL admin
2008-09-29 Weird Coexistence with Nuclear Weapons - A Transitional Order on the Korean Peninsula? DL admin
2008-09-25 The Current Financial Crisis in Wall Street and Abroad: Causes, Prospects, and Implications to Korea DL admin
2008-07-08 2010 KOREA-CHINA-JAPAN INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL: Enhancing Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia DL admin
2008-06-03 Dispute Settlement before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea DL admin
2008-05-20 United Nations Reform (La Reforme des Nations Unies) DL admin
2008-05-16 Korea-Japan FTA: Current Issues and Prospects DL admin
2008-05-15 Global Economic Crisis and Korea-Japan Cooperation DL admin
2008-04-24 Recent Development in East Asia and Japan’s Foreign Policy toward the Region DL admin
2007-12-05 China's Rise and America's Response DL admin
2007-11-21 U.S. - ROK Relations in 2007 DL admin
2007-11-15 UN Peace Operation in the 21st Century DL admin
2007-11-04 Guangdong Global Leadership Program (G-GLP) DL admin
2007-10-29 Bound Together - A History of Globalization DL admin
2007-10-25 U.S. Policy Toward North Korea: Containment and Engagement DL admin
2007-10-17 How to Do Internship in Washington D.C. DL admin
2007-10-08 Political Changes in Japan and Asian Diplomacy DL admin