Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2015-02-17 Information Session for the FTA Business & Strategy Program (for 2015-spring semester) 15.5KB DL admin
2015-02-11 Special Lecture on the TPP Issue: Trans-Pacific Partnership : Korea's Choice? admin
2015-02-04 Income Inequality: The Role of Fiscal Policy DL admin
2014-12-05 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)를 위한 글로벌 파트너십과 한국의 국제개발협력 정책 23.2MB admin
2014-12-09 Economic Nationalism in an Age of Turbulence admin
2014-11-18 African Economic Outlook DL admin
2014-11-14 FTA체제의 한국 경제 과제및 산업별 대응전략 진단 13.5KB DL admin
2014-11-11 GLIMPSE information session admin
2014-11-14 GSIS Special Lecture(“Where Is CSR Going?/기업의 사회적 책임에 관하여) admin
2014-10-29 GLIMPSE Day admin
2014-10-24 History Wars in Asia : What can be done? admin
2014-10-29 US Attitudes toward Korea: Growing Support for a Solid Relationship admin
2014-10-22 South Korean Development Actors in Africa: promoting rural development and participation? 0.4MB DL admin
2014-10-23 Hunger and Poverty in Afghanistan and WFP Response admin
2014-10-08 European Integration - The role of the Legal Service of the European Commission admin
2014-10-15 Introduction of ADB's Project Cycle: From Identification to Post-Evaluation admin
2014-10-13 Cultural Diplomacy Viewed through Passed Bill on 'East Sea' Name in the Global Era 0.2MB DL gsis
2014-10-01 미래 한국 경제와 기업 경쟁력 강화 전략 0.4MB admin
2014-10-02 The 1st SNU Global PPP Forum [제1회 서울대학교 글로벌 민관협력 포럼] 0.6MB jayoo