Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2015-07-13 사회적 경제와 시민정치의 발전 DL admin
2015-07-02 Why Less Inequality Benefits All DL admin
2015-07-01 서울대학교 중국연구소 2015년 콜로키움 0.1MB gsis
2015-05-28 ISSCO Conference @ Seoul “East Asia and the Chinese Overseas" 1.6MB DL admin
2015-05-20 5th International Development Policy Seminar 16.1KB DL admin
2015-05-13 South Korea and the US Nuclear Umbrella: Extended Deterrence and Nuclear Weapons gsis
2015-04-30 Visualizing Postwar Tokyo admin
2015-04-29 FTA Negotiation in Practice: Korea-EU FTA DL admin
2015-04-27 Japanese Perspective on Global/World History DL admin
2015-05-06 Information Session on Outbound Student Exchange Program for spring semester-2016 DL admin
2015-04-30 글로벌 위기와 아프리카 대응전략 초청장 DL admin
2015-04-27 TPP Negotiation : History, Negotiation, Dynamics and Prospect DL admin
2015-04-21 The ISIS Problem and Turkey’s Position 0.1MB gsis
2015-04-17 2015 국제공정무역학회 신진학술대회 0.8MB gsis
2015-03-30 2015 GSIS SYMPOSIUM gsis
2015-03-30 홍콩대학교(The University of Hong Kong) 대학원 과정 설명회 1.4MB gsis
2015-03-18 나는 왜 혐한 시위를 싫어하는가: 일본 우익이 본 일본 네트우익 DL admin
2015-03-13 In Search of Japanese-Korean Reconciliation: A Comparative Politics of Reconciliation between East Asia and Europe DL admin
2015-03-12 미국 의회의 정치구조와 TPP 전망 DL admin
2015-03-12 SOCIAL CHANGE AND STATE LEGITIMACY IN THE POST-DEVELOPMENTAL ERA: Implications for International Politics in Northeast Asia 0.1MB DL admin