Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2016-05-23 U.S.-Japan Alliance in a Turbulent Asia DL admin
2016-05-30 Future of the EU Integration between Brexit and Grexit DL admin
2016-05-31 Skill-biased Structural Changes admin
2016-05-03 Endogenous Market Formation: Theory and Evidence from the Student-College Matching in Chile admin
2016-04-11 라스무스 에젠달 국장 특별 강연: WFP's Syria Crisis Response (행정대학원 국제개발협력평가센터) admin
2016-04-08 Journey to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development for Children DL admin
2016-04-07 Geopolitical Analysis in Afghanistan & Humanitarian Situation in the Field DL admin
2016-03-24 Gobal Talent: From Brain Drain to Brain Linkage 0.1MB admin
2016-03-17 Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development DL admin
2016-03-07 U.S.-Korea Relations with Ambassador Mark W. Lippert 15.3KB DL admin
2016-02-17 위안부 합의와 향후 한일관계의 전망 admin
2016-03-04 Information Session 2 for the FTA Commerce & Strategy Program (Spring, 2016) 24KB DL admin
2016-02-25 Information Session 1 for the FTA Commerce & Strategy Program (Spring, 2016) 8.9MB DL admin
2015-12-03 한국개발정책학회 동계 세미나 Winter Seminar on Korean Development Policy 0.2MB admin
2015-12-04 UNESCO and Education in a Changing World: Global Education Agenda Perspectives from Asia-Pacific admin
2015-11-19 글쓰기와 생각쓰기 DL admin
2015-11-12 Pros and Cons of TPP DL admin
2015-11-16 Negotiations for a Strategic Economic Cooperation Agreement DL admin
2015-11-18 Korea-US Cooperation to Reshape East Asian Regional Architecture DL admin
2015-11-11 The European Union and China: Awkward Partners in Changing Times admin