Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2018-05-30 [EU Centre] Special Lecture: EU and Northeast Asia / Dr. Ramon Pacheco Pardo gsis-staff
2018-06-10 [서울대 보건환경연구소] 인포그래픽 공모전 33.2KB gsis-staff
2018-05-24 [College of Education] Recent History of International Development and Education Policy of Korea: Researcher’s Memory (Since the mid-2000s) adm-pr
2018-06-08 [한-아세안센터] 관광투자세미나 gsis-staff
2018-05-24 [아메리칸센터 초청장] 대사관 청년포럼 청중모집 (Embassy Youth Forum) 5/24 gsis-staff
2018-06-04 [SEMU-YEOL LECTURE] 2018 June Why North Korea is not a “communist” country, or the unnoticed birth of North Korean capitalism gsis-staff
2018-05-26 국민외교 강좌 안내문 gsis-staff
2018-05-24 사람이 꽃피는 발전의 길 gsis-staff
2018-05-15 [U.S Foreign Policy] GSIS - CSIS Seminar DL adm-academic
2018-05-22 [KOAFEC] Development Indaba gsis-staff
2018-05-21 [KOTRA] 2018 국제기구 채용설명회 gsis-staff
2018-05-22 [주한미국대사관] Let's talk Series; U.S. Security Strategy for the Korean Peninsula gsis-staff
2018-05-17 푸른아시아 작은 영화관:기후변화 씨네톡 gsis-staff
2018-05-23 [FAO 한국협회] 2018 국제기구 진출 설명회 gsis-staff
2018-05-16 [아메리칸센터 초청장] Let's Talk Series '이 시대가 원하는 인재가 되는 법' gsis-staff
2018-05-21 [Asia and the World] Cooperation and/or Cooperation?: Conflicting Trends in East Asia DL adm-pr
2018-05-16 Korea-Brazil Business Forum gsis-staff
2018-05-11 2nd Global ODA Forum for Sustainable Agricultural Development gsis-staff
2018-05-17 2nd Library Film Festival gsis-staff
2018-05-15 GSIS-CSIS Seminar-Conversation on Summit Diplomacies and Unification DL gsis-staff