Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2018-04-24 2018 Social Responsibility Academy 2018 사회 공헌 아카데미 gsis-staff
2018-04-23 [American Center Mandi's Career Development Series] Public Speaking / Women in the Workplace gsis-staff
2018-04-17 2018 브라질 노동법 현황 및 대응 전략 세미나 29.7KB gsis-staff
2018-05-12 제11주년 세계인의 날 기념 외국인 유학생 장기자랑 경연대회 0.1MB manager
2018-05-09 HKU MPhil and PhD Studies Admission Talk gsis-staff
2018-04-17 Spring Walking Picnic to YangPyeong Dumulmeori Mullaegil 양평 두물머리 물래길 봄 소풍 걷기여행 축제 gsis-staff
2018-04-19 Korean Peninsula at a Crossroads Forum gsis-staff
2018-04-19 [Issues and Perspectives Seminar] Quantitative Relationship between Openness and Economic Welfare of North Korea 2.4MB adm-pr
2018-04-28 [bbb 코리아] 내외국인 문화축제 'The 10th bbb IFD' gsis-staff
2018-04-20 2018 케니지 콘서트 (Kenny G) manager
2018-04-23 [Asia and the World] New Era of Chinese Foreign Policy under the Xi Administration DL adm-pr
2018-08-20 Conference Invitation 2018 Bulgaria adm-academic
2018-04-20 [American Center Let's Talk Series] "Life in the U.S. Military: Serving in Korea, supporting the U.S.-ROK alliance" gsis-staff
2018-04-27 2018 국제 모의 UN 인권이사회 UPR 공개설명회 0.4MB gsis-staff
2018-04-13 2018 3rd Conference for Human Rights Leaders of the Next Generation adm-pr
2018-04-09 [Asia and the World] ROK-US Alliance: Challenges and Responses 0.1MB DL adm-pr
2018-04-06 [주한미국대사관] Religious Freedom Film Discussion gsis-staff
2018-04-10 [International Development Policy Seminar] SDGs and Impact Investment 0.2MB adm-pr
2018-04-10 한국유네스코협회연맹 CCAP(Cross Cultural Awareness Programme) gsis-staff
2018-06-29 제21회 동아제약 대학생 국토대장정 0.8MB gsis-staff