2020년 2학기 융합전공 스마트시티 글로벌 융합 모집안내 (Notice for 2020 Fall Semester Convergence Major)_Extended

Official Notice

20202학기 융합전공 스마트시티 글로벌 융합 모집안내


▣ 선발계획

○ 선발종류 : 융합전공

○ 선발인원 : 70명 (석사 40명, 박사 30명)

○ 신청기간 : 2020. 7. 1.(수) ~ 7. 10.(금) 연장됨

○ 신청방법

- 소속 학과장(김태균 교수님) 및 학(원)장의 직인 날인된 융합전공 신청서 제출

- 융합전공 신청서는 소속 학과(부) 행정실로 오프라인 제출

- 지원자는 융합전공 참여교수인 정혁 교수님께 상담 가능(hyeokj@snu.ac.kr)


▣ 선발기준

○ 전형 : 서류 100%


▣ 신청자격

○ 각 소속 참여학과에서 1개 정규학기 이상 이수하고 2020년 9월 1일 기준 6학점 이상 취득한 재학생 (복학예정자 포함)

  박사과정의 경우 참여학과에 해당하는 석사과정을 졸업한 학생은 1학기부터 지원가능함.

※ 참여학과: [일반대학원] 건설환경공학부, 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공, 법학과, 생태조경·지역시스템공학부

[국제대학원] 국제학과

[환경대학원] 환경조경학과, 협동과정 조경학 전공


▣ 『서울대학교 대학원 융합전공 운영 규정』 주요내용

○ 소속 : 원 소속 학과(부)

○ 과정이수

- (이수학점) 석사과정 24학점 이상, 박사과정 36학점 이상, 석사·박사통합과정 60학점 이상

- (이수학점 중복인정) 소속 학과(부)가 융합전공에 제공한 공통교과목은 석사과정 12학점, 박사과정 18학점, 석사·박사통합과정 42학점까지 소속 학과(부) 전공 이수학점으로 중복 인정 가능

- (과목이수) 융합전공 과정별 수료학점의 4분의 1 이상은 본 소속 학과(부) · 전공의 기 개설 교과가 아닌 융합전공 스마트시티 글로벌 융합 전공용으로 개설된 전공필수 및 전공선택 교과목으로 이수

○ 재학연한 : 1년에 한하여 연장

○ 학위수여 : 이수내역을 학위기에 표기학고 소속 학과(부) 학위 수여


▣ 합격자발표

○ 2020. 7. 31.(금) 이전 소속 참여학과에서 개별 안내


▣ 문의처

○ 전화: 02-880-8898 / ○ 이메일: jyrstar1230@snu.ac.kr

붙임 융합전공 신청서 양식 1부


Student Notice for 2020 Fall Semester Convergence Major

: Smart City Global Convergence Program


▣ Selection Plan

○ Selection Type: Convergence Major

○ Selection: 70 students (40 M.A. 30 Ph.D.)

○ Application Period: July 1st 2020 (Wed.) ~ July 10th (Fri.) (Extended)

○ Application Method

- Applicant should submit the document stamped with the official seal of the chair (Prof. Kim, Tae-Kyoon) of Dept. of International Studies,

- Applications for convergence majors should be submitted offline to the administrative office of GSIS.

- Applicants can contact the prof. Jeong, Hyeok (hyeokj@snu.ac.kr), a participating professor in the program.


▣ Selection Criteria

○ Admission Process : Document Screening 100%


▣ Application Qualification

○ Applicants should have completed at least one regular semester in each participating department (see below) and earned at least six credits by September 1st 2020. (including the students who are planning to return to school in Fall semester)

 Doctoral student who received the master's degree from following participating department can apply for this convergence major from 1st semester.

※ Participating Department:

[Graduate School] Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technology Management Economics and Policy Program (TEMEP), Law major (College of Law), Department of Landscape Architecture and Rural Systems Engineering (College of Agriculture and Life Science)

[Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS)] Department of International Studies

[Graduate School of Environmental Studies] Landscape Architecture


▣ Regulations for 『Operation of Graduate School Convergence Major in SNU』

○ Affiliation: Current affiliation of the applicant will be kept unchanged after being admitted to the convergence major (Students belong to the original department (major))

○ Credits for the convergence program

- (Credits) 24 or more credits for the master's program, 36 or more for the doctorate program, and 60 or more for the master's or doctorate integrated program

- (Accreditation of dual credits) Common subjects that are provided by the participating departments to the convergence major can be accredited to as dual credits for the original major (Up to 12 credits for the master’s program, 18 credits for the doctorate program, and 42 credits for the master’s and doctorate integrated program)

- (Completion of courses) More than one-fourth of the credits that are required for the completion of each major should be from the elective courses of Smart City Global Convergence Program, rather than the original subjects from each major.

○ School year: Extension is possible up to one year

○ Degree grant: Completion of the convergence major will be recorded in the Certificate of Degree for each major


▣ Announcement for the Acceptance

○ The department office will contact each applicant individually to announce the result before July 31st 2020 (Fri.)


▣ Contact

○ Tel. 02-880-8898

○ Email: jyrstar1230@snu.ac.kr


Form 1. The application format for the convergence major