[UNESCO APCEIU] Call for Application for 2022 'Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding'

Upcoming Events
On 2022-03-11

GCED Online Campus is an APCEIU's online learning platform for global audience who want to learn various themes and best practices of GCED.

We are pleased to inform you that the call for application for this year's first GCED instructor-led course, 'Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding' is now open.

As an 'Instructor-led' course, the applicants will go through the selection process. And the selected learners will be given the opportunity to have close interaction with Dr. TOH Swee-Hin (the instructor) and exchange their opinions with other learners in the classroom.

Educators, professionals, and peacebuilders working in formal as well as non-formal educational contexts are all welcome to enroll in the course. This course will provide ideas and strategies for integrating the theme of glocal (global and local) justice in programmes of global citizenship education and other interrelated fields of transformative education. If you want to apply for the course, please visit our website and submit your application by 11 March 2022.


For more information, please refer to the following image and click the link!

<Link for Application>



<Course Information> 


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact gcedonline@unescoapceiu.org.


Looking forward to your application!


Best regards,

GCED Online Campus

Event Date : 2022-03-11
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