Campus Asia: Final Presentation

Featured News
 Last updated: 2017-12-15

On December 13th, the Campus Asia students had a final presentation. First presentation was about 'Aging society and environmental problems caused by rapid economic development in three East Asian countries'.  Second presentation was about how the perspective of 'death' in Korea, China, and Japan was different from each other. There was a background situation in which a difference in religious culture and understanding. In particular, they explained the difference between the way of burial and the way of mourning that are included in these systems, along with interesting points. Third presentation’s theme was "Comparative study on the idol", "Culture between China, Japan and Korea". The students explained each idol industry in Korea, China, and Japan and their characteristics,  Final presentation was about the 'Pension system and its problems in rapid aging societies: China, Japan and Korea'. The students explained the current state of the national pension and the private pension. It is well explained that the three East Asian countries have major problems such as the sudden entry into the aging society, the debt of the pension system resulting from them, and the situation of the pensioner who is inferior to the pensioner in the future.