2015-Euro-Asia Summer School

Featured News
 Last updated: 2015-09-07

The Euro-Asia Summer School celebrated its 7th global gathering. Starting from 2009, Leuven Centre for Global Governance, based in Belgium, the EU Studies Institute in Japan and the Seoul National University Graduate School of International Studies have organized academic grounds for students during the summer. The first part of the summer school took place in SNU GSIS from August17th to 21st. and the second part was based in KU Leuven during the last week of August.  The ideas of networking students both in Europe and Asia and offering debating opportunities with significant global issues    were tremendously meaningful. Visiting iconic and special places both in South Korea and Belgium under the theme of ‘tradition and modernization of Korea’ and the ‘first World War and the nationalism’ presented the peer participants to think beyond the borders of their own.