Prof. Patrick A. Messerlin: The K-Pop wave - An Economic Analysis

Featured News
 Last updated: 2013-09-16

Professor Patrick A. Messerlin (of GEM Paris) and Doctoral Candidate Wonkyu Shin's article titled ''The K-pop wave: An Economic Analysis', was featured in Time World (August 1st, 2013 issue) and in Segye Times (in Korean, September 14th, 2013) along with his interview.


August 1st, 2013: Patrick Messerlin in Time World: "Forget Politics, Let's Dance: Why K-Pop Is a Latin American Smash" by Anjani Trivedi.


9월 14일 세계일보, 송민섭 기자 “동·서 문화 융합 전략 먹혀, 치열한 경쟁도 세계화 한 몫”