[SEMU-YEOL LECTURE]? The Roots of Korean Literature

Upcoming Events
On 2018-11-05

The Roots of Korean Literature

Lecturer: Kevin O’Rourke                                                       
Emeritus Professor, Kyunghee University
The lecture will survey Korean literature from Pre-Shilla to the present day. It will deal with Taoist, Buddhist and Confucian ingredients in the formation of the tradition. Hyangga and Koryo kayo are central, also Hyeshim, Yi Kyubo and representative hanshi poets of Koryo and Joseon. Our finest Korean language poets—Chong Ch’ol, Yun Sondo and Kim Sujang will be integral to the presentation. In the modern period discussion will center on Han Yongun, So Chongju, Ku Sang and others.


Kevin O’Rourke came to Korea in 1964 at the age of 24. A Catholic missionary for the Missionary Society of St. Columban, he became deeply interested in Korean poetry. In 1982, he received a Ph.D. in Korean literature from Yonsei University ― the first foreigner to earn such a degree. O’Rourke has published more than 25 books (poems and novels) so far, and has translated around 2,000 poems. O’Rourke received the 25th Daesan Literary Award (Translation) in 2017 for “the Book of Korean Poetry: Chosun Dynasty,”  a translation of 600 poems of Yi Kyubo, Chong Ch’ol, Yun Sondo, and others selected in the last 40 years. 
Education Room (1st floor), Seoul Museum of History
55 Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Date and Time
November 5th, 2018 (Mon)
11:30 A.M. to 13:00 P.M
No Admission Fee.
Contact (Registration required)
Email: info@yeol.org
Tel: 010.4692.6851 (Text Only)
Web: http://www.yeol.org
[Click] register on this link: https://goo.gl/forms/NUBlAZjJ8nhHcpTI2

Event Date : 2018-11-05
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