Upcoming Events


Event Date Title Name
2014-10-01 The Project Cycle of ODA and the Role of Expert : Focusing on OICA's Activities DL admin
2014-09-23 제 13차 국제개발정책학 세미나 0.2MB admin
2014-07-25 한일관계의오늘과 미래전망: 도쿄도에서 바라본 시점 gsis
2014-07-15 U.S. and Northeast Asian Geo-Politics in 2014 gsis
2014-06-02 Dialogue on the U.S. Foreign Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region gsis
2014-05-21 Balancing the Local and the National in ROK-US Relations gsis
2014-05-15 The Current Status and Role of the WTO: Multilateral Trading System DL gsis
2014-04-25 Power Transition in East Asia and Korea-Japan Relations: Middle Power's Perspectives gsis
2014-04-24 12th International Development Policy Seminar DL admin
2014-04-29 Appreciation Ceremony for Madam Sochon Younghi Park gsis
2014-04-08 Challenges and Opportunities of Post-Bali Trade Negotiations DL gsis
2014-03-31 GSIS Annual Symposium 2014: Korea at the Crossroads 43.9KB DL gsis
2014-03-17 The Nexus Between Theory and Practice in International Affairs 3.8MB DL admin
2014-03-13 11th International Development Policy Seminar DL gsis
2014-03-05 Debunking the Myth about China’s Low Consumption Share DL gsis
2014-01-28 2014 GSIS Alumni Reunion gsis
2014-01-13 The 1st International Development Forum 2014 gsis
2013-12-24 민주당 의원들과의 간담회 admin
2013-12-10 10th International Development Policy Seminar: Post-2015 development agenda-Challenges anD OPPORTUNITIES FOR CIVIL SOCIETY DL gsis
2013-12-17 Prospects of DDA (Doha Development Agenda) and the Future of Multilateral Trading System admin