Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2007 / August International Area Studies ODA Policy in the EU : Implications for Korea
EU의 공적개발원조 정책: 한국에의 시사점
Hong, Myung-Jin
2007 / August International Area Studies Research on the level of SPS Measures in Concluding FTAs between Korea and EU
한국-EU 간 FTA 체결시 위생 및 검역 조치 도입 수준에 관한 연구
Choi, Won-Youb
2007 / August International Area Studies European Union's Emissions Trading Scheme and National Allocation Plans: Its Implications for Korea
유럽연합의 배출권 거래제와 국가할당계획에 관한 연구: 한국에서의 적용방안을 중심으로
Kim, Eun-Jeong
2007 / August International Cooperation Is Defense Outsourcing Cost-effective? Case Study of PMC and DOP in US
Yu, Kyong-Hwa
2007 / August International Cooperation Security Alignment of North-South Koreas in the 70's and 90's
Yang, Jung-Sook
2007 / August International Cooperation Cultural Diversity Convention and Its Congruence with WTO trade in Cultural Goods and Services: Implication from Harmonization butween MEA and WTO
Wei Wei
2007 / August International Cooperation A Study on the Patterns of Compliance with United Nations Sanctions: Overview of Sanctions Imposed Against States since the End of the Cold War
국제연합의 제재에 대한 이행: 냉전 이후 대국가 제재에 대한 개괄
Que, Shuyue
2007 / August International Cooperation The Absence of Diplomatic Relations between France and North Korea
Park, So-Hee
2007 / August International Cooperation Possibilities and Limitations of PATRIOT Act for Combating Financing of Terrorism
테러 자금 지원 차단을 위한 PATRIOT Act의 가능성과 한계
Lee, Ji-Young
2007 / August International Cooperation Understanding Developments of Official Development Assistance(ODA) Regime after the Cold War: Contributing Factors to Donor-led Regime Strengthening
탈냉전시대의 공적개발원조 레짐 강화에 대한 분석 : 공여국 주도의 레짐강화 기여요인을 중심으로
Lee, Jin-Hee
2007 / August International Cooperation Implementation and Enforcement of the International Human Rights Machinery : Assessment of the First Optional Protocol (Regarding Individual Pettition) to the International Coverant on Civil and Political Rights
국제인권레짐의 이행과 시행에 관한 연구 :
Kim, Mi-Kyong
2007 / August International Cooperation International Legal Mechanisms for Refuges: Need for Gender-Sensitization
난민을 위한 국제법 매커니즘의 성인지화 필요성
Jhung, Han-On
2007 / August International Cooperation The Accountability of International Non-governmental Organization
국제 비정부 기구의 책임성
Hong, Yu-Jin
2007 / August International Cooperation An Analysis of Football Hooliganism as a World Phenomenon and Its Relation to Korea
세계현상으로서의 축구 훌리거니즘 : 한국과의 관계를 중심으로
Frederic Jacques Georges
2007 / August International Cooperation Bargaining Power between Middle Eastern Oil Countries and Major Multinational Oil Corporations in the period of 1950 to 1972 ; Impact of Transnational Network.
중동 산유국과 메이저 석유회사간의 협상력 연구(1950~1972); 초국경 네트워크의 영향력을 중심으로
Chung, Yu-Jung
2007 / August International Cooperation A Study on Local Governments' Soft Power in the Era of Globalization : Case Study of 'Red River Project' Between Seoul, Korea and Hanoi, Vietnam
세계화시대 지방정부 연성권력에 관한 연구: 서울시와 하노이의 '홍강개발' 프로젝트를 중심으로
Choi, Young-Joo
2007 / August International Cooperation China's Technological Catch-up and Implications for The Korean Economy
중국의 기술 발전 및 그것이 한국 경제에 미치는 영향
Choi, Sung-Kyu
2007 / August International Cooperation Developing Networks of Soft Power
Yeu, Chel-Min
2007 / August International Cooperation A Comparative Study on the Clearing Settlement Systems of North-South Korea and East-West Germany: Analysis on the Restraining Factors of inter-Korean Clearing Settlement System
남북한과 동서독의 청산결제에 대한 비교 연구: 남북한간 청산결제의 제약요인 분
Chung, Kyung-Bin
2007 / August International Commerce The Relationship Among Locations, Motivations, and Entry Modes of Outbound Foreign Direct Investment : Cases of Korean Large Firms
해외직접투자의 투자지역, 투자동기 및 진출방식의 관계 : 한국 대기업 사례를 중심으로
Tae, Chung-Won