Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2015 / February Korean Studies Making the Cold War Their Own: Inter-Korean Relations, 1971-1976
한반도 냉전의 내재화: 남북한 관계 1971-1976
2015 / February International Cooperation Reconstruction of Women's Rights in Post-Conflict Countries: A Case Study of Rwanda
분쟁종식국의 여성인권 재구성: 르완다 사례 연구
Lee, Ji-In
2014 / February International Studies [Ph.D.]-North Korea between Reform and Secrity: The Interaction of Economic Reforms and Security Environment in China and North Korea
Kim, Yu-Ree
2015 / February International Studies [Ph.D.]-International Competitiveness of Business Ecosystem: From Trade to Global Value Chain (GVC)
경영생태계의 국제경쟁력: 무역에서 글로벌 가치사슬로
Yim, So Hyun
2015 / February International Study [ph.D.]-The Alliance Politics of Role-Playing: A Study on the Intra-Alliance Dynamics of Post-Cold War U.S. Bilateral Alliance System in East Asia
역할수행의 동맹정치학: 탈냉전기 동북아 양자동맹 역학에 대한 연구
Yang, Hee-Yong
2015 / February International Study [Ph.D.]-Economic Understanding of WTO Disputes: Discrepancy between Legal Winning and Economic Gain of WTO Rulings
WTO판정에 있어 법적 승소와 경제적 승소의 불일치
Shin, Wonkyu
2015 / February International Study [Ph.D]-Risk Factors in Public-Private Partnerships of Infrastructure in Developing Countries
개발도상국 인프라 민관협력(Public-Private Partnerships)에 대한 리스크 요인 분석
Lee, Jun Hui
2014 / August International Study [Ph.D.] A Legal Analysis of "Standard" in the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade
WTO 부역기술장벽 협정의 표준에 관한 법적 연구
Minjung Kim
2014 / August International Study [Ph.D.]-An Eclectic Approach to Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Nations: Analyzing the Success Factors of East Asian Economies with a Focus on the Development of South Korea
국가경쟁우위 향상을 위한 통합적 접근법: 동아시아 경제의 성공요인에 대한 분석-한국의 발전을 중심으로
Tan Soo Kee
2014 / August International Study [Ph.D.]-The Relationship between cultural values and national competitiveness: General pattern and specific country studies of South Korea and Malaysia
Kim, Min jung
2014 / August Korean Studies Evaluation on Korea-US Alliance in the 2000s by Chinese
노무현, 이명박 정부시기 한미동맹에 대한 중국내 논의 연구
2014 / August Korean Studies A Research on Chile and Kroea Relationship: Focusing on the Role of Chile in the UNCURK
칠레와 남북한간의 관계에 대한 연구: 유엔한국통일부흥위원단에서 칠레 역할과 사퇴문제를 중심으로
Aguirre, Camilo
2014 / August Korean Studies A Research for the General Trading Company (1969-1981)
종합무역상사 연구(1969-1981): 매일 경제 신문을 중심으로
2014 / August Korean Studies Withdrawal of Korean Troops from Vietnam and Changes in Korea-US Relationship
한국군의 베트남 철수 과정과 한미관계
Benjamin Andrew Engel
2014 / August Korean Studies South Korean Supreme Court Cases and Changing Rhetoric about Prostitution
한국 대법원의 판례를 통해 본 성매매 담론의 변화와 의미
Michelle Lee Jones
2014 / August Korean Studies Family Values in Changing Societies: A Comparative Study of Kroea and Malaysia
변화하는 사회속에서의 가족가치관: 한국과 말레이시아의 비교연구
Gina Ruth Aliza Friesen
2014 / August Korean Studies An Analysis of Election Participation and Supporting Party: Using KGSS 2003,2008 Data
한국 2030세대의 투표참여와 지지정당에 관한 연구: 2003년과 2008년 한국종합사회조사(KGSS)자료 분석을 중심으로
2014 / August Korean Studies The South Korean Leadership and 1965 Basic Relations Treaty Article 2 and Article 3
대한민국 지도부와 1965년 한일기본관계조약 제2조와 제3조
Kang, Seung Mo
2014 / August International Area Studies Improving EU Cohesion Policy-Addressing Regional Imbalances in Europe with a Peace-Based Approach
Anna Peer
2014 / August International Area Studies A Comparative Study: The Impact of Managing Partners' and Foreign Stockholding on Corporate Enterprise Value in Japanese and Korean Firms