Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2017 / August Korean Studies 한국과 베트남의 자녀 성선호: 유교문화와 가부장적 가치의 영향
Tran Thuy Dung
2017 / August Korean Studies 한?베 다문화가족의 귀환여성과 그 자녀에 관한 연구
Vu Thi Trang
2017 / August Korean Studies 한국과 타이완의 공공임대주택 정책 비교 연구
Chu Yuhsuan
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Securitizing China's Military Rise: A Study of Security and Defense Policy Reform under the Abe Shinzo Administrations
David Lucas Schlomer
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Comparative Study of Germany and Austria Xenophobia Changes from 2002 to 2014
Sung, Yoon Jeong
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies The Significance of Non-Government Aid Channels: Based on an Online Survey about Foreign Aid in South Korea
Kim, Ji Ye
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Income Inequality and Redistribution: Does Domocracy Matter?
Jeremy Lim
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies 中?的群?性事件?政府??
Kim, Hee Soo
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies The Impact of Financial Development on Companies' Financing Constraints: Evidence from China
Mengxin Zhao
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies 日本におけるヘイトスピ?チに?する法的規制議論に?する?究
Choi, Kyu Ho
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Analysis on Latin American Participation in the Global Value Chain: The Role of Trade Agreements and a Focus on the Automotive Industry
Yoo, Hyunju Christine
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Perception on Immigration Reflected in Media in Spain, from March 2015 to March 2016
Ban, An Na
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies 日本ドラッグストアの成長 要因に?する?究
Park, Ji Soo
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Different Effects of the Aftermaths of Democratization on the Civil Society and Middle Classes in the Philippines and South Korea
Maria Lynette J. Callanta
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies 日本型保?販?チャネルとして?店型保?ショップの競?力 -ダイヤモンド?モデルを中心に
Kim, Yeasl
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Germany's Reconciliation Process-Political Agency towards an Ieal-type of Reconciliation
B?chel Benedikt Roman
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Ishihara's Strategic Choice for Forming and Dividing the Japan Restoration Party
Cho, Eun Young
2017 / August Int'l Area Studies Bersih; The Civic Political Movement of Malaysia
Hwang, Won Kyung
2017 / August Int'l Cooperation The Inevitable Stalemate: A Two-Level Game Analysis of the Futenma Base Relocation in Okinawa
Daniel Claxton
2017 / August Int'l Cooperation Approaches of China and Brazil Towards Triangular Development Cooperation: Diverging Vertices of South-South Cooperation
David John Baker