Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies The U.S. Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea and the Strategic Importance of the Maritime Features
Min Cho
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies The BTS Impact: A Comparative Thematic Analysis of BTS Fans and Non-Fans' Changes in Perception
Min Jung Kim
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies An Analysis of the Films on Independence Activities During the Colonial Period: Assassination, the Age of Shadows, and the Battleship Island
Jae Hyouk Lee
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies Analyzing the Response of Pakistan and Malaysia to China's Belt and Road Initiative: Balancing, Bandwagoning, or Hedging?
Tamar Annette Harrington
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies Currency Manipulator:China's FX Policy Response to US-China Trade Imbalance
Zeming Jin
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies Comparative Study on Police Recruitment System in Korea and China
Ji Eun Kang
2020 / August Int'l Area Studies Analysis of the Development of the Fintech Industry in Chian: by applying two dimensions of Digital Finance Cube
Jing Yang
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Dynamics of US Intervention in Korea-Japan Conflict-Conditions for Intervention into Korea-Japan Bilateral Conflict-
Raveena Madhushri Ugale
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Economic Sanctions of Japanese Government on Korea and Their Impacts on Korea-Japan Economic Interdependence
Fumi Furusato
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Localization of Accountability for Civil and Political Rights Protection in the Early Stage of State Integration: Case Studies on Yemen (1988-1994) and Germany (1989-1995)
Yea Won Choi
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation A Research on the Role of Middle Power in the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Case of South Korea
Min Seung Kim
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation A Critical Juncture in Data Protection Standards-Comparing Data Protection Legislation in the United States and the European Union-
Kayleen Hyun Min Choi
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Taiwan's Defense Policy Toward Mainland China in the Ma and Tsai Administrations
Yiming Zhan
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation A Study on the Obama Administration's Coercive Diplomacy in Nuclear Negotiations: A Comnparative Analysis of the Iranian and North Kroean Cases
Seo Hyun Pak
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation The Evolution of NATOo and the European Defense: A Comparative Analysis on the Strategic Engagement of France and the United Kingdom towards Nato
Ambrine Dumas
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Forging Social Capital Via Sport for Development - A Comparative Analysis-
Darron Seller-Peritz
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Reframing a Temporary Settlement into a Sustainable City: Case Study of Uganda Refugee Camp
Marin Lee
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Manchu Invasion of Joseon: Power Shift in East Asia and the Perception of Zhong-hua
Jae Hyeok Lee
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation Understanding the Motivations behind China's Participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations
Jung Eun Choi
2020 / August Int'l Cooperation The Parallel of Animals: If Animals Have Rights, Should Robots Too?
Dong Ug Yoon