Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2021 / February Korean Studies 지멘스 기업사로 보는 한독관계 1961-1980. 금성과의 합작투자를 중심으로
2021 / February Korean Studies 1980년대 한일 안보경제협력을 둘러싼 한국정부의 전략적 의미-대일경협의 목적과 자금도입의 결과를 중심으로
Seika KATO
2021 / February Korean Studies 한국의 공공외교법-공공외교법 제정 이후 한국의 공공외교 현황에 대한 연구
Yunan JIN
2021 / February Korean Studies 보건 평등 발전에 인권 NGO의 제도적 역할: 북한 사례를 중심으로
2021 / February Korean Studies 이승만 정권 시기의 한글간소화파동에 대한 연구
2021 / February Korean Studies The Foreign Policy of DPRK toward African Nations-A Comparative Study between Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Un Eras
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies A Comparative Study on Health Insurance System in China and South Korea: on the Perspectives of Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
Shuwei ZHAN
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies An Evaluation of the US Immigration Policies under Former Presidents - From Reagan through Trump
PARK Dohyun
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies The Transition of north Kroea's Science and Technology Policies and its Development: A Case Study on Kim Jung-un's Industrial Revolution of the New Century
BEK Gyeongmin
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies The Political, Economic and Social Causes of Hong Kong Pretests
MIN Jiyun
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies The Impact of Social Mobilization on Court Decisions in Korean Sex Crime Trials: The Case of South Korean Politician Ahn Hee-Jung
Lisa Marie RAU
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies Xi Jinping's Anti-Corruption Policy: Succession and Development from Deng's Era
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies A Comparative Study on Discourse of 'Japanese imperialism' in Junior High School History Textbooks between China, Taiwan and Korea
Chia-Hui HUANG
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies Food and National Identity: the perception and the role of Food Culture for Italians living in South Korea
Giorgia VOLPIN
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies Thailand's Diplomatic Dance in the Midst of US-China Rivalry
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies how china can Conduct ""third-Party Market Cooperation with Japan as a Way Forward
PARK Hannah
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies Methods of Zainichi Ethnic Education: Case Study of Tokyo Korean School and Tokyo Korean Junior and Senior High School
KIM Ji Won
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies Brexit and the Mutual Legal Assiatance in Criminal Matters of the EU
CHO Kyuhyun
2021 / February Int'l Area Studies A Study of Vietnam on Its Success in the Initial Response against COVID-19
AHN Jae Seok
2021 / February Int'l Cooperation Japan's Changing Middle Power Identity-Security Reforms under PM Shinzo Abe
Jiezel NARA