Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2022 / February International Commerce The Question of Net Neutrality: A Comparative Analysis of Net Neutrality and Netflix in the United States, European Union and South Korea
Yae Lin CHO
2022 / February International Area Studies Driving Force of Military Reform by the Xi Jinping Government: from the Viewpoint of Party-Military Relations
KIM Sungmin
2022 / February International Cooperation The 'Institutionalization-Implementation Gap' in Gender Mainstreaming: Tracing the Development of UN's System-wide Policy
KIM Kyu Yeong
2022 / February Korean Studies 코로나19 관련 중국과 한국 언론의 보도에 관한 분석: 조선일보와 인민일보의 보도를 중심으로
2022 / February International Cooperation Assessing the Effectiveness of the KOICA-SNU Development Cooperation Policy Program: Higher Education ODA and Capacity Development
2022 / February International Cooperation The Power of Empathetic Political Communication
Kate Jasmine SMALL
2022 / February International Cooperation Italy and South Korea's Management of the Pandemic COVID-19: The Role of Culture in a Nation's Performance
2022 / February Korean Studies 한중 항일 여성 항일운동가에 대한 비교연구 - 김순애와 사량을 중심으로
Shiyue FU
2022 / February International Commerce "Digital Sovereignty's Intangibility Research and Strategies for Korea 디지털주권의 무형성과 한국의 대응방안 연구"
KANG Kyuwon Anna
2022 / February International Area Studies Have the governments of South Korea, Japan, and China discussed the initiatives of establishing an "East Asian community?"
LEE Soohwan
2022 / February International Commerce A Study of the Relationship between Economic Crises and Investor-State Disputes
2022 / February International Cooperation Analysis of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of North Korea
KIM Howon
2022 / February International Commerce "A New Scheme of Guarantee Provision for Equity Investment by Donors and Its Implications for Sustainable Development for Emerging Economies 새로운 프로젝트 파이낸스 지원 방안"
JUNG Hansol
2022 / February International Area Studies From absorptive capacity of FDI to economic growth
Karina SURI
2022 / February International Area Studies Do Remittances reduce the inequality of sending regions? - A Case Study of Mexico
YOO Jimin
2022 / February International Area Studies Comparative Analysis of Nuclear Energy Policies in Japan, South Korea, and China
CHOI Jungwoo
2022 / February International Cooperation Determinants of Agricultural Foreign Direct Investment
Miriam Hyeon
2022 / February Korean Studies 정전협상 과정에서 반공포로 석방이 한미관계에 미친 영향에 관한 연구
Natalya SHIN
2022 / February International Cooperation Rational Embracing of the Irrational: Hate Speech in Japan
KIM Jiyoung
2021 / August Korean Studies 몽골 사회의 젠더 불평등에 관한 연구 : 2010-2020년 몽골 성별 차이를 중심으로