Theses by GSIS Students


Year / Month Major Title Name
2023 / February International Studies (Ph.D.) Nexus between Inter-state Communication Networks and International Conflicts: The Impact of Weaponization of ICTs and Asymmetric Information Networks on International Security Competitions in the Telegraph Era, 1849-1914 / 국가 간 통신 네트워크와 국제분쟁의 상관성 연구: 전신의 시대(1849-1914), 국제안보경쟁에 미치는 정보통신기술과 비대칭 정보 네트워크 무기화의 영향 분석 CHO, One-Sun
Year / Month Major Title Name
2005 / August Korean Studies 2002 Anti-American Sentiment in South Korea and the U.S. Response
2002 한국의 반미감정과 미국의 대응
Kim, Anna
2005 / August Korean Studies 1980년 대한민국의 정치상황에 대한 영국과 미국의 반응과 대처 : 특히 12.12 전두환 세력 쿠데타에 대한 영국, 미국의 태도 비교를 중심으로
Andrew David Jackson
2005 / August Korean Studies 대학로 이주노동자 지원 NGO의 과제와 가능성 : 라파엘 클리닉을 중심으로
Oikawa Hiroe
2005 / August Korean Studies A comparative study on the philosophies of Hong Soo Jeon and Choi Jae Woo
홍수전과 최제우 사상비교연구
2005 / August Korean Studies A study on International Marriages between Korea and Vietnam after 1992-a case of cultural adjustment for Vietnamese women in Korea
1992년 이후 한국과 베트남 사이의 국제결혼에 대한 연구 : 베트남 여성의 문화적 적응을 중심으로
Ha Minh Thanh
2005 / August Korean Studies China's Image shown in Korean Mass Media
한국 여론에 나타난 대중국 인식 : 『조선일보』와 『한겨레』신문을 사례로
Shan Huide
2005 / August International Area Studies Dynamic approach of generic strategy : Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung Anycall case analysis in Hong Kong
Yun, Jung Yeun
2005 / August International Area Studies Migration and FDI : the case of Intra-EU 15
Jeon, Jong Hyun
2005 / August International Area Studies Analysis of China's FTA policy and its economic determinants
Hahn, Yoon Sun
2005 / August International Area Studies Study on the compulsory licensing and parallel import of pharmaceuticals under the WTO TRIPS : focusing on the anti-retroviral medicines
Choi, Hye Jin
2005 / August International Area Studies Analysis on the different economic performance of the former Soviet Union Countries : focusing on the transitional period
Kim, Hye Eun
2005 / August International Area Studies Comparing competitiveness of automobile clusters : Toyota vs. Hyundai Motors
Kim, Hee Jin
2005 / August International Area Studies Relationship between IGOs and NGOs in the field of international humanitarian relief : with particular reference to the WHO and NGOs in the Tsunami case
Lee, Jin Won
2005 / August International Cooperation Decoding the North Korean human rights act of 2004 : its origins and implications
Tcha, Jin Young
2005 / August International Cooperation Korea's Soft Power through Hallyu(Korean Wave)
Kim, Hye Yeong
2005 / August International Cooperation Status of North Korean defectors in international law and practice
Hyun, Jin Young
2005 / August International Cooperation Impact of foreign entry in banking sector on small business lending
Ahn, Soo Yeon
2005 / August International Commerce WTO Accession and the Impact on Agriculture in China
Hu Xiaoming
2005 / August International Commerce Empirical study on the relationship between outward FDI and export of Korean manufacturing indus
Kim, Byul Hwa
2005 / August International Commerce Synergy effects on the firm performance after diversification
Lee, Won Hwi