2023 Fall Semester Tuition Fee Payment

Official Notice

2023 Fall Semester Tuition Fee Payment


All enrolled students, returning and readmitted graduate students need to pay the tuition for the Fall Semester of 2023 according to the following instructions.

1. Period: August 21 (M) 09:00 ~ August 25 (F) 17:00
   *Additional Period: September 12 (T) 09:00 ~ September 14 (Th) 17:00
   *Final Period: September 21 (Th), 9:00 ~ September 25 (M), 17:00

※ Payment is available 24/7 on weekdays (starting at 9:00 on the first day and closing at 17:00 on the last day).
※ If the tuition fee is not paid in full by the final registration deadline, the student will be expelled from the school. (Installment payment applicants must pay the first installment in full.)


2. How to pay the tuition:

1) Payments by cash transfer can be made at Nonghyup BankShinhan Bank, and Woori Bank.

- The account holder for virtual account is the student's name (Full name in Korean). The remitter (sender) can be someone other than the student.
- The deposit amount must match the amount stated on the invoice in order for the deposit to be processed. The deposit amount must match the amount stated on the invoice in order for the deposit to be processed.

2) It is possible to pay the tuition fee by credit card. However, only Nonghyup CardShinhan Card, and Woori Card are acceptable. 

  (1) Go the Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank or Woori Bank in person to pay by credit card 

  (2) Go to the homepage of Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank or Woori Bank to pay online: 

     농협카드납부 바로가기 클릭: 메뉴 > 개인뱅킹 > 공과금 > 대학등록금 > 등록금납부
     신한카드납부 바로가기 클릭 : 메뉴 > 서비스 > 대학등록금 > 납부신청
     우리카드납부 바로가기 클릭 : 메뉴 > 라이프 > 납부서비스 > 대학등록금

- Using a credit card under someone else's name is possible, but corporate or check cards are not allowed. Also, Shinhan BC cards cannot be used.
- Canceling a payment via credit card is not possible after the same day of the transaction, and it is also not possible to change the installment period or other payment conditions after the payment has been made.
- For inquiries regarding credit card issues such as cancellation or interest-free installment plans, please contact the customer service center of the corresponding credit card company.
 ☎ Nonghyup card: 1644-4000
 ☎ Shinhan card: 1544-7000
 ☎ Woori card: 1588-9955 

3) Ways to pay the student council fee:
- Paying the student council fee is optional, and if you choose to pay it, it can be combined with the tuition fee. {For example, if the total tuition fee is 2,442,000 won, and the student council fee is 10,000 won, you can pay a total of 2,452,000 won which includes the student council fee.)
- After paying the tuition fee, you can pay the student council fee directly to the student council. Please contact the student council via email for more information.(we.snu.ac.kr@gmail.com)

4) The ways to confirm tuition fee payment

- If you pay the tuition fee in cash through a virtual account, a confirmation message will be sent to the mobile phone number that you registered in the 'mySNU portal' personal information section.



Tuition Fee Payment Confirmation

SNU website > Academics > Academic Resources > Registration

Tuition Payment Bill Printout

mySNU website > Academic Affairs > Get Certificates > Get Online

 ※ If students who have taken courses more than 4 semesters do not register for classes (0 credit), they will not be considered registered.

3. Tuition Payment Bill Printout (Shortcuts to print the tuition bill (this page is only in Korean))

1) The bill is printable only after 09:00 August 16 (W)
*Additional period: only after 09:00 September 11 (M)
*Final period: only after 09:00 September 18 (M)

2) Procedures for tuition Payment Bill Printout 



mySNU web site

mySNU website > Academic Affiars > Tuition > Billing Info > Tuition Bill

SNU web site

SNU website > Academics > Academic Resources > Registration

Account number insertion

mySNU website > Academic Affiars > My Info> Student Info > Modify Personal Info > Personal Info > You can input account information (only in the name of the account holder) in the personal information section

- You can only print the tuition fee statement if the bank account information has been entered in the mySNU web site
- In order to prevent any delay in reimbursement of tuition fees in the future due to errors or omissions in the bank account information, it is important to accurately input your bank account information in the mySNU portal. This will ensure smooth refund process if necessary.

* Once the reinstatement process has been completed by the relevant department, re-enrolled students can print their tuition fee statement starting from the day after the completion of the reinstatement process
* After the tuition fee payment period ends, it is no longer possible to print the tuition fee statement. Therefore, it is important to print the tuition fee statement during the payment period to keep it as a reference.

For students who have exceeded the maximum enrollment limit (i.e. regulation semester), enrolling into classes is mandatory. After completing the course registration process, students can print their tuition fee statement.


 4. Confirmation of Education Expense Payment (the receipt) is available after your payment.

  - To verify that your payment was received, go to the mySNU web site (http://my.snu.ac.kr) and click on "등록금납부확인서" (CEEP) → "등록금납부확인서 출력(일반 재학생)" (CEEP Printout).

 ※ If students who have taken courses more than 4 semesters do not register for classes (0 credit), they will not be considered registered.


 5. Information regarding tuition fee refunds

1) Tuition fee refund for enrolled students 

Reasons for tuition refund

tuition refund period

tuition refund method

  • Scholarship
- Scholarship settlement, changes in the amount, etc
 • Overpayment of tuition fee
- Transfer error, Exchange rate difference, etc
 • Reduction of tuition fee
- Changes in tuition fees due to returning to school or changing majors

•Final registration deadline is after 9/25 (Monday)
Refund is scheduled for the third week of October
•Fourth installment payment is due after 11/24 (Friday)
Refund is scheduled for the third week of December

•Refunds can also be processed outside of these periods

•No additional process required

•Tuition refund with be made to the personal account number inserted in mySNU web site


tuition fee table for students who have exceeded the regular semesters


• Excess semesters (Students who have exceeded the regular semesters)

Changes in the total number of credit needed 

• Cancellation deadline for course registration is after 10/25 (Wednesday)Refund is scheduled for the third week of November

※ However, if you have paid your tuition fees through a scholarship from theKorea Student Aid Foundation or a loan from the Public Officials Pension Fund, the refund will be applied first to repay the loan accordingly.


2) Change in student status (such as taking a leave of absence or getting expelled) is eligible for a tuition refund

1) Tuition refund due to leave of absence
(1) Procedures for tuition refund: mySNU website > Change Student Status > Change Status > Change Student Status > Leave of Absence  

※ If you do not apply for a tuition refund, the full amount you paid will be carried over when you return to school, regardless of the date you applied for a leave of absence
※ Newly admitted students, re-admitted students, and returning students who have paid their tuition fees for their first semester may not be eligible for a refund due to a leave of absence.

(2) Criteria for calculating the tuition refund amount

Return Reason Date

Refund Amount

2023 Sem 2

Prior the start of the semester

Full Tuition

~ 23. 08. 31.

From the start of the semester to the 30th day

Five-sixths of the tuition fee excluding the admission fee

23. 09. 01. ~ 23. 09. 30.

From 30 days after the start of the semester to the 60th day

Two-thirds of the tuition fee excluding the admission fee

23. 10. 01. ~ 23. 10. 30.

From 60 days after the start of the semester to the 90th day

Half of the tuition fee excluding the admission fee

23. 10. 31. ~ 23. 11. 29.

Days after the start of the semester

Does not return

23. 11. 30. ~ 24. 02. 29.

※ Date of the tuition refund is the "Application date of Leave of Abscense". If there are many application date for leave of absence by repeating leave and return to school, it is based on the date on which the number of days of attendance in the relevant semester is the highest among the leave days of absence in the registered semester


(3) Refund Process Period

Approximately 4 weeks after Leave of Abscenes is permitted and reflected on the Academic Status

(4) Important Notice on Leave of Abscene and Refund

- Refund request cannot be cancelled

- If the payment at your own expense is 0 KRW, you cannot apply for a refund

- If tuition fees are refunded during leave of 

Schoalrship may be cancelled (please contact the Division of Scholarship & Welfare)

- If you refund the tuition, your status will be changed from registered leave to unregistered leave of absence, and if you are receiving the scholarship, the scholarship may be canceled (contact the Division of Scholarship & Welfare for details of the scholarship)

2) Refund for Expelled Students

(1) How to Request for refund

Study Withdrawl: No need to request for a request (must put your bank account on mySNU)

Unregistered Withdrawl: Apply with a copy of your bank book at the school's administration office

(2) Refund calculation criteria and refund timing

The creteria is the same as a refund for a leave of absence, and for more information, refer to the guidelines for returning tuition fees for academic fluctuations at Seoul National University.


Inquiries about Tuition (880 within SNU phone line)

- Tuition payment and refund: Office of Financial Planning (5107)

- Scholarship, KOSAF student loan Inquiries: Division of Scholarship & Welfare (5078, 5079)

- Student Council Fee: Office of Student Affairs (5566), SNU Student Council (5223)

- Leave of Absecne and Return Inquiry: Admin Office of your school

- Fees for Research Students (Those who completed their Masters or Doctorate, Arts 150000 KRW, Sciences 200000 KRW) : Division of Academic (5161)

- Course Registration, Summer and Winter Courses Inquiries: Division of Educational Affairs (Course Registration: 5042, Summer and Winter Courses: 5043)

- Tuition Card Payments: Nonghyup(1644-4000) , Shinhan Card(1544-7000), and Woori Card(1588-9955, Press 6).




currently enrolled students who wish to pay in installments (installment payment is not available for first semester freshmen, re-admitted students, or transfer students in their first semester)
※ After applying for installment payments, students must pay the remaining amount in full before they can take a leave of absence, provided that they have already paid at least once
※ Students who receive installment loans from the Korea Student Aid Foundation should always check the date of loan disbursement


2. Installment Plan Application Period: August 21 (M) 09:00 ~ August 24 (T) 17:00

* Additional Application period: September 12 (T) 09:00 ~ September 13 (W) 17:00

3. Procedures

1) mySNU web site > Academic Affairs > Tuition > Installment Plan Application

2) Tuition receipt can be printed out from the next day of your application


4. The Amount of Installment Payment: 1/4 of the total tuition (There are no fees associated with installment payments)

 ※If a student fails to pay the first installment, or if they fail to pay the total tuition fee amount by the fourth installment, they will be unregistered and expelled


5. Payment Periods 

- 1st round: tuition fees paid during the main registration, additional registration, and final registration period (The Bill can be printed out from the day after you applied.)

  *Rgular payment period: August 21 (M) 09:00 ~ August 25 (F) 17:00
  *Additional Period: September 12 (T) 09:00 ~ September 14 (Th) 17:00
  *Final Period: September 21 (Th), 9:00 ~ September 25 (M), 17:00

2nd round: October 23 (M), 09:00 ~ October 25 (W), 17:00 (The bill is printable after 09:00 October 19) 

3rd round: November 8 (W), 09:00~ November 10 (F), 17:00 (The bill is printable after 09:00 November 6) 

4th round: November 22 (W), 09:00 ~ November 24 (F), 17:00 (The bill is printable after 09:00 November 20) 

 * The students can only take a leave of absence after paying the tuition fee in full  

(All four installments must be paid before submitting the form 'Application for Leave of Absence'). 


Tuition bills can only be issued if ‘bank information’ is entered in the student portal.

Root for Bank information input screen:

Student portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) - mypage – Modify personal info - Personal info - Bank information(select ‘primary bank’ and insert ‘Account Number’)

(For domestic students) Only accounts that match your name should be entered

In the case of a Korean citizen, a bill can be printed only if the account matches the person's name. Please inform us if it is necessary to amend the account if you have entered a name other than your original name.

(For international students) Name of the account does not have to be exactly matched with their name but SHOULD NOT be from other person's account.


2023학년도 2학기 대학(원) 재학생 등록금 수납 계획


○ 수납대상 : 대학(원) 재학생 

○ 등록기간 및 고지서 출력: 초과학기(규정학기초과자) 수강신청 필수, 수강신청 완료 후에 고지서 출력 가능

구 분

등록금 납부

고지서 인터넷 출력 (재학생 고지서출력 바로가기 클릭)


2023. 8. 21.() 09:00 ~ 8. 25.() 17:00

※ 평일 24시간 납부 가능 (마지막 날 17:00 마감)

2023. 8. 16.(수) 09:00부터


2023. 9. 12.(화) 09:00 ~ 9. 14.(목) 17:00

※ 평일 24시간 납부 가능 (마지막 날 17:00 마감)

2023. 9. 11.(월) 09:00부터


2023. 9. 21.() 09:00 ~ 9. 25.() 17:00

※ 평일 24시간 납부 가능 (마지막 날 17:00 마감)

2023. 9. 18.(월) 09:00부터


※ 최종등록까지 완납하지 않을 경우 미등록 제적됨 (분납 신청자는 1차분 완납 필수)

※ 수업연한(규정학기)초과자는 수강신청 완료 후에 고지서 출력

   복학생은 소속 단과대학에서 복학 전산처리 완료 후 다음날부터 고지서 출력 가능

   고지서는 등록금 납부 기간이 끝나면 출력 불가함


 학생포털에 계좌번호가 입력된 경우에만 등록금고지서 발급 가능

* 은행정 입력방법: 학생포털(http://my.snu.ac.kr)-학사정보-나의정보-종합정보-개인정보수정-학생인적-개인신상정보 은행, 계좌번호예금주명(본인) 입력  계좌인증  저장


○ 납부방법

① 현금 납부

- 농협은행, 신한은행, 우리은행 가상계좌 번호로 입금

※ 가상계좌번호 예금주명은 학생성명이며, 송금인은 본인이 아니어도 무방함

고지서상 금액과 입금액이 일치해야 입금 가능

 신용카드 납부 (농협BC카드농협NH카드신한카드우리카드만 가능)

- 해당 카드사 홈페이지를 통한 인터넷 결제

농협카드납부 바로가기 클릭 : 메뉴 > 개인뱅킹 > 공과금 > 대학등록금 > 등록금납부

신한카드납부 바로가기 클릭 : 메뉴 > 서비스 > 대학등록금납부

우리카드납부 바로가기 클릭 : 메뉴 > 금융서비스 > 납부서비스 > 대학등록금

카드취소는 당일 외에 불가하며결제 후 할부기간 변경 등 불가

(타인명의 카드 가능, 법인/체크카드 불가, 신한 BC카드 불가)

- 카드 관련 문의 (카드취소, 무이자할부 등)
☎ 농협카드: 1644-4000
☎ 신한카드: 1544-7000
☎ 우리카드: 1588-9955, 응답시 6번)


○ 학생회비 납부 방법

- 학생회비 납부여부는 선택사항이며 납부 희망 시 등록금과 합산하여 일괄 납부

※ 등록금 납부 후에는 총학생회로 직접 납부 가능하며 총학생회 이메일(we.snu.ac.kr@gmail.com)로 문의


○ 등록금 분납


·재학생 중 분납 희망자(신입생, 재입학생, 편입학생 첫 학기에는 분납 불가)

※ 분납 신청 학생이 1회 이상 납부 후 휴학하고자 할 경우 나머지 금액을 완납해야만 휴학 가능


· 본 신청기간 : 2023. 8. 21.(월) 09:00 ~ 8. 24.(목) 17:00

· 추가 신청기간 : 2023. 9. 12.(화) 09:00 ~ 9. 13.(수) 17:00 


·mySNU포털 > 학사정보 > 등록 > 분납/환불신청 > 분납신청


·등록금액의 1/4씩이며 분할 납부에 따른 수수료는 없음



등록금 납부 고지서 출력

·1차 : 본등록, 추가등록, 최종등록 기간 중 납부

본등록, 추가등록, 최종등록 고지서 출력기간과 동일
단, 분납신청 다음날부터 고지서 출력 가능함

·2차 : 2023. 10. 23.(월) 09:00 ~ 10. 25.(수) 17:00

2023. 10. 19.(목) 09:00 ~

·3차 : 2023. 11. 08.(수) 09:00 ~ 11. 10.(금) 17:00

2023. 11. 06.(월) 09:00 ~

4차 : 2023. 11. 22.(수) 09:00 ~ 11. 24.(금) 17:00

2023. 11. 20.(월) 09:00 ~


  • 분납 등록기간에 1/4씩 납부하여야 하며,

       1차 분을 완납하지 않을 경우, 또한 4차까지 완납하지 않을  미등록 제적됨

  • 한국장학재단의 분납대출을 받을 학생은 대출 실행일자를 반드시 확인 요망


○ 납부확인

- 가상계좌 통한 현금 납부 시 mySNU 포털 개인정보에 등록한 핸드폰번호로 확인메시지 전송함

- 등록금납부확인(http://www.snu.ac.kr/tuition)

 서울대홈페이지→ 교육→ 등록금납부→ 등록금납부확인 바로가기

- 납부확인서 확인 및 출력

 학생포털(http://my.snu.ac.kr) → 학사정보→ 증명/확인서→ 증명/확인서발급


○ 재학생 등록금 환불

환불 사유

환불 시기

환불 방법

• 장학금
- 장학금 정산, 금액 변동 등
• 등록금 과납
- 이체오류, 환율차이 등
• 등록금 인하
- 복귀, 전공 변경 등에 의한 금액 변동

• 최종 등록기한 9/25(월) 이후 10월 셋째 주 경 환불 예정
• 4차 분납기한 11/24(금) 이후 12월 셋째 주 경 환불 예정
• 이 외 기간에도 환불 진행

•별도 신청 절차 없음

•mySNU에 입력한 본인명의 계좌번호로 환불 진행

초과학기(규정학기초과자) 등록금 일람표 바로가기

• 초과학기(규정학기초과자) 수강학점 수 변동

• 수강신청 취소기한 10/25(수) 이후
11월 셋째 주 경 환불 예정

※ 단, 한국장학재단 및 공무원연금 대출로 등록금을 납부했을 경우 반환금을 해당 대출처에 우선 상환함


○ 학적변동(휴학, 제적) 등록금 환불
1) 휴학생 환불
(1) 환불 신청 방법: mySNU 포털 >학사정보>학적변동/다전공>신청>휴학신청> '등록금 반환 신청여부' 체크

※ 등록금 반환 신청하지 않을 경우 휴학 신청일자에 상관 없이 납부한 전액이 복학할 때 이월
※ 신입생, 복적생, 재입학생 등 첫 학기 납부한 등록금은 휴학 사유로 인한 반환 불가

(2) 환불금 산정 기준

반환사유 발생일


2023학년도 2학기 기준

학기 개시일 전일까지

등록금 전액

~ 23. 08. 31.

학기 개시일부터 30일까지

입학금을 제외한 등록금의 5/6

23. 09. 01. ~ 23. 09. 30.

학기 개시일에서 30일이 지난 날부터 60일까지

입학금을 제외한 등록금의 2/3

23. 10. 01. ~ 23. 10. 30.

학기 개시일에서 60일이 지난 날부터 90일까지

입학금을 제외한 등록금의 1/2

23. 10. 31. ~ 23. 11. 29.

학기 개시일에서 90일이 지난 날

반환하지 아니함

23. 11. 30. ~ 24. 02. 29.

※ 반환사유 발생일은 휴학 ‘신청’ 일자이며, 만일 휴학과 복학을 반복하여 휴학신청일이 다수 존재할 경우 등록학기의 휴학일 중 해당 학기의 재학일수가 가장 많은 일자를 기준으로 함

(3) 휴학 환불 시기
 휴학신청 승인 및 학적반영 완료 시점으로부터 약 4주 소요

(4) 휴학 환불 신청 시 주의사항
- 환불 신청 여부 번복 불가
- 자비 납부금이 0원인 경우 환불 신청 불가
- 등록금 환불 시 등록 휴학 상태에서 미등록 휴학 상태로 변경되며, 장학금 수혜 중일 경우 장학 내역이 취소될 수 있음 (장학금별 자세한 내용은 장학복지과 문의)

2) 제적생 환불
(1) 환불 신청 방법
 자퇴제적: 별도 환불 신청 절차 없음(mySNU 계좌번호 입력 필요)
 미등록제적: 소속학과 사무실을 통해 통장사본과 함께 신청
(2) 환불금 산정 기준 및 환불 시기
 휴학 환불과 동일하며 자세한 내용은 서울대학교 학적변동자에 대한 등록금 반환 지침 참고


등록금 관련 문의(구내 880국)

○ 등록금 수납 및 환불 : 재무과 (구내전화 : 5107)

○ 장학금, 한국장학재단 학자금 대출 관련 : 장학복지과(구내전화 : 5078, 5079)

○ 학생회비 관련 : 학생지원과(구내전화 : 5566), 총학생회실(구내전화 : 5223)

○ 휴ㆍ복학 관련 : 소속학과 사무실

○ 연구생부담금(석박사 수료생, 인문 15만원, 이공 20만원) 관련 : 교무과 (구내전화 : 5161)

○ 수강신청, 계절학기 수강료 관련 : 학사과 (수강신청 : 5042, 계절학기 : 5043)

○ 등록금 카드결제 : 농협(1644-4000), 신한카드(1544-7000), 우리카드(1588-9955, 응답시 6번)