Global Hope Scholarship for Graduates for Fall 2023 (2023년 2학기 삼성꿈장학재단 글로벌 희망장학생 선발)

Official Notice

We are pleased to announce the call for the Global Hope Scholarship for Fall 2023. Please see details of the scholarship below and apply within the designated period.

1. Global Hope Scholarship This scholarship is given by the Samsung Dream Scholarship Foundation to foster outstanding graduate students from developing countries that have the potential to become global leaders.

2. Eligible Applicants (must meet all the below requirements)

- Academic status:

1) Undergraduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the 2023 Fall semester Or

2) Undergraduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Bachelor’s program Or

3) Graduate students who have admission to Seoul National University for the 2023 Fall semester Or

4) Graduate students who are currently going through their courses of a Master’s or a PhD program

- Nationality: Must be a country listed on the DAC List of ODA Recipients (see attached list for details)

- Financial status: In case of an undergraduate student, a student that does not receive any other scholarships that involves tuition waiver

- Other requirements: must be a holder of a TOPIK score of level 3 (or higher)

3. Candidates to be selected: 3 persons

4. Scholarship Benefits


- Full tuition waiver

- Monthly stipend (KRW 650,000 each month)


- Study Allowance (maximum KRW 5,000,000 each semester)

5. Scholarship Period (supported within the normative period)

- Bachelor’s degree program: maximum 8 semesters

- Master's degree program: maximum 4 semesters

-Doctoral degree program: maximum 6 semesters

6. Required Documents

- Application form (use attached form, both Korean and English acceptable)

- Academic transcript and graduation certificate (for Doctoral degree students, both Bachelor’s and Master’s)

-TOPIK score transcript (score of level 3 or higher)

- Certificate of scholarship (must show the list of scholarships that the applicant is currently receiving)

☞ Not required for freshmen

7. Deadline:

- Submit required documents(Original hard-copy) to GSIS administration office by July 13rd , 2023 (see list below for details)

: Attn: Seok-min, Bae

: Room 301, Bldg. 140-1, 1 Gwanak-gu, Gwanak-ro, 08826 Seoul, Republic of Korea

* Important: Early submissions are strongly recommended so that the college’s administration office can prepare to submit your documents by an official document to the OIA.

8. Final Acceptance results: August 2023 to be announced by e-mail (an interview will be held for those who passed the documents screening, approximately during August 2023. Only those accepted will be contacted)

9. Contact: Ms. Jinsol Maeng (+82-2-880-2519,

Attachment 1) Application Guide for Global Hope Scholarship for Graduates for Fall 2023 (Korean/English) .

2) Application form (Korean/English) .

3) (Reference) DAC List of ODA Recipients


삼성꿈장학재단에서 2023년 2학기 삼성꿈장학재단 글로벌 희망 장학생을 다음과 같이 모집하오니, 관심있는 외국인 유학생께서는 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다.

가. 지원자격 (동시 충족)

  - 본교 학사·석사·박사과정 신입생 혹은 학사·석사·박사과정 재학 중인 외국인 유학생

     ※ 학사과정생인경우 등록금 선감면성 타 장학금 수혜 불가

  - DAC List of ODA Recipients에 해당하는 개발도상국 출신 학생(붙임 참조, 교포는 선발에서 제외)

  - 외국 국적 소유자

  - 한국어능력시험(TOPIK) 점수 3급 이상 소유자

나. 지원내용

  - 학부생: 등록금 전액면제, 생활비 월 65만원 지급

  - 대학원생: 한 학기 최대 500만원의 장학금 지급 (장학 수혜상황에 따라 차등 지급)

다. 장학금 수혜 기간

  - 학사과정생 8학기, 석사과정생 4학기, 박사과정생 6학기 (졸업까지 남은 학기동안 수혜)

    ※ 매 학기말 성적 심사를 통해 수혜 지속여부 결정, 초과학기생 지원 불가

라. 선발인원: 최대 3명

마. 지원방법

- 안내문에 따른 모든 원본서류를 국제대학원 행정실로 2023.7.13(목)까지 제출

: 서울시 관악구 관악로1 서울대학교 국제대학원 140-1동 301호 행정실, 배석민

바. 제출서류 및 기타 유의사항: 붙임 선발계획(안) 참조


붙임 1. 2023년 2학기 삼성꿈 장학재단 글로벌 희망 장학생 지원안내(국/영문) 1부.

     2. 지원 신청서 양식(국/영문) 각 1부.

     3. (참고) DAC List of ODA Recipients 1부.