[Ph.D.] 2023 Spring Semester Thesis Defense for Doctoral Program

Official Notice

2023학년도 1학기 박사학위 논문심사(Defense) 계획 공고


1. 논문 제출자격

가. 논문제출자격 외국어 및 종합시험(전공시험)에 합격한 학생

나. 심사제도 학술지(Double Blind Peer Review Academic Journal)에 논문 한편(단독 or 2인 공저의 제1저자 혹은 교신저자) 이상을 게재한(예정인) 자

다. 교과 학점 : 수료에 필요한 학점(45학점)을 당해 학기말까지 취득하였거나 취득할 수 있는 학생

라. 학위 논문제출 허용 기한이 경과되지 않은 학생

마. 수료자는 논문심사학기의 정해진 기간에 연구생등록을 하여야 함

바. 지난 학기에 논문계획서를 발표하고 제출한 자에 한함

* Double-blind peer review journal

Double-blind peer review journals are reviewed by specialists without knowing who the author is (When neither the author nor the reviewer knows the identity of the other) in order to provide an unbiased assessment of an article.


2. 박사학위 논문심사(Defense) 일정


일 정

주 요 사 항

세 부 사 항

비 고




논문심사 신청


mySNU 로그인 – 학생서비스 – 졸업 - 논문/실적심사신청/취소

* 영어성적 미제출자는 영어성적 제출 후 접수가능

직전학기 논문심사기간 연장승인된 자는 신청 및 등록서류 제출생략







제출서류 온라인 접수자에 한하여 제출

1. 논문심사 요구서

2. 지도교수 추천서

3. 이력서

4. 논문심사위원 명단

5. 연구윤리 준수 확인서

6. 논문 초록 1부

7. 논문 학술지 게재 증명자료(게재 논문 or 논문 게재 예정증명서)

8. 심사제도 학술지(Double-blind peer review academic journal) 증명서 또는 지도교수 확인서(E-mail)


제출장소 : 교무행정실 (방문제출)




평일24시간 납부,

마지막날 17:00 마감

논문 심사료 납부


- 납부금액 : 300,000원

- 납부장소 : 농협중앙회 및 신한은행 전 지점

- 납부방법 : 논문제출 예정자가 고지서 출력 후 지정은행에 납부 또는 계좌이체


고지서 출력방법

서울대학교 포털 마이스누(http://my.snu.ac.kr) 로그인→학사행정→ 졸업→ 논문심사료 납부고지서→ 출력

직전학기 논문심사기간 연장 승인된 자는 논문 심사료 면제

논문심사위원장의 책임 하에 일정을 정함


논문 요지 발표

논문 신청자(학생)는 완성된 초고를 심사위원에게 제출

및 발표

3인이상 참석

논문심사 철회는 본 심사 전까지

가능하며 ‘박사학위 논문심사철회

신청서’를 교무행정실에 제출해야 함


- 횟수 : 최소 2회 이상 실시

- 심사 보고 : 심사위원장은 “예비심사 결과보고서”를 작성하여 예비심사 종결 직후 행정실에 제출

3인이상 참석

본 심사

(최종 심사)

판정 방식

심사위원장의 책임 하에 “구술고사 성적표”를 작성하고,

심사위원의 무기명 비밀투표를 통해 최종 합격여부를 판정

합격 기준

심사위원 4/5이상의 찬성, 구술고사에서 평균 70점(100점 기준) 이상

(단, 구술고사는 심사위원 4/5이상이 70점 이상으로 평가하여야 함)

판정 내용 : “합격”, “철회”, “심사기간 연장”, “불합격”


심사종료 후




판정 보고

심사위원장은 “박사학위 논문심사요지”, “박사학위 논문심사 결과표”,

“구술고사 성적표”, “투표용지”를 행정실에 제출


프로그램결과 제출

표절방지프로그램 Turnitin Program 실행 결과 제출

  • 작성한 논문의 표절정도를 체크함.
  • 실행 후, 결과화면과 함께 ‘표절방지실행결과양식’을 지도교수에게 제출함
  • 참고하여 지도교수가 결과양식에 서명한 후, 학생이 행정실에 제출
  • 사항은 첨부한 표절방지프로그램 안내문을 숙지함


논문심사기간 연장

특별한 사정이 있을 경우(자료 보완 제외) 박사과정 논문심사자에 한하여 대학원학사위원회의 심의를 거쳐 심사기간을 1개 학기 연장할 수 있음.

이 경우 ‘박사학위 논문심사기간 연장 신청서’를 해당기간까지 교무행정실에 제출해야 함




8.7.(월) 24:00

최종 인준논문 제출

[최종 인준논문 제출]

- 중앙도서관 홈페이지 ‘학위논문 온라인 제출’ 이용

(중앙도서관 홈페이지(http://lib.snu.ac.kr) → 학술연구지원 → 학위논문온라인제출)

*책자논문 제출 없이 원문파일만 제출

*마감 이후 제출/수정 불가

*논문을 제출하지 않을 경우 학위를 받을 수 없음.

최종논문 제목은 논문심사요지 상 제목과 동일해야 함

학위논문 공표

:학위취득 후 1년 이내


논문 비공개 신청


학위논문의 공표

논문 비공개 신청

- 박사학위를 받은 자는 학위취득 후 1년 이내에 단행본 발간, 학회지 게재, 정기간행물 게재, 국제학술지 게재, 학술세미나에서 발표, 기타의 방법으로 박사학위 논문을 공표하여야 함

- 제1항의 규정에 불구하고 학위취득자가 특허출원예정, 군사상 비밀, 기타 부득이한 사유 등으로 학위논문 공표유보를 신청한 경우 각 대학(원)장은 대학원학사위원회의 심의를 거쳐 3년 이내에서 공표를 유보할 수 있음.

이 경우 ‘논문 비공개 신청서’를 2023.7.10(월)까지 교무행정실에 제출하여 승인을 받아야 함



논문심사결과 판정에 따른 다음 학기 심사 절차


구 분

내 용

다음 학기 심사절차

(세부 절차 하단 참조)

전 학기 논문의 유효 여부

비 고

가. 철회 조치

(석사, 박사과정 공통)

1. 논문심사 등록후 논문을 제출하지 않은 경우

2. 논문내용의 일부 보완이 요구되는 경우

3. 논문심사에서 통과되었으나 당해 학기 학위수여에서 탈락될 것이 확정 되었거나 예상되는 경우

ⓐ ∼ ⓖ

논문의 동질성 유지 가능

논문제출 마지막학기에는 철회조치 불가(박사과정의 경우 심사기간연장만 신청)

나. 심사기간 연장

(박사과정만 해당)

논문내용의 일부 보완에 1학기 논문심사기간 연장이 필요한 경우(논문제출기한내 또는 마지막 학기에도 1학기에 한하여 연장 가능)

ⓒ, ⓔ ∼ ⓖ

상 동

논문심사위원 전원의 연장승인 신청으로 각 대학(원)의 대학원학사위원회에서 승인

다. 불합격

1. 논문내용이 부실하여 다음학기에 반드시 논문제목과 내용을 변경하여 논문심사를 받아야 하는 경우

2. 가, 나항을 신청하지 않은 경우

ⓐ ∼ ⓖ

논문의 동질성 유지 불가


☞ ⓐ논문제출예정자 등록 서류 제출 ⓑ논문심사료 납부 ⓒ논문심사 대상자 명단 보고 ⓓ논문심사위원 선정 ⓔ논문(예비)심사, 종심 ⓕ논문심사 결과 보고 ⓖ보존용 논문 제출



2023 Spring Semester Thesis Defense for Doctoral Program


1. Qualifications to Write Thesis (Thesis Examination)

A) Applicants must have passed the Thesis Submission Qualification Examination and have met the foreign language requirements .

B) Applicants must have one or more articles published in a Double-blind peer review journal (either as single author or primary author of two authors, corresponding author)


*Double-blind peer review journal

Double-blind peer review journals are reviewed by specialists without knowing who the author is (When neither the author nor the reviewer knows the identity of the other) in order to provide an unbiased assessment of an article.

When submitting a published journal article, you are required to submit a letter of endorsement for the certification as a 'Double-blind peer review' journal or advisory professor’s confirmation letter (E-mail).


C) Applicants must have completed or expected to complete all required credits by the end of this semester (at least 45)

D) Applicants must submit their thesis within approved years (Doctoral program) of completing their coursework.

E) Applicants who have completed all coursework must be registered as research students.

F) Applicants must have presented and submitted their thesis proposals (Thesis proposal and thesis defense cannot be done in the same semester)


2. Schedule for Doctoral Thesis Examination


Description of the Procedure



April 5, 2023


April 14, 2023


[ Application Online] Through mySNU site

mySNU->Academic Affairs->Graduation->Thesis/Disseration->Thesis/Achievement Examination

* Students who are approved to extend the period of thesis examination are not required to submit application forms and exempt from thesis examination fee.

April 5, 2023


April 14, 2023

Submission of Documents

[ Submission of Application Form]

① Application for Doctoral Thesis Examination

② Recommendation from Thesis Advisor

③ Curriculum Vitae

④ Application for Appointing Examination Committee

⑤ Research Integrity Compliance Statement

⑥ Abstract

⑦ Documentary evidence of publication or expected publication of article(s) (one copy of publication)

⑧ a letter of endorsement for the certification as a ‘Double-blind peer review’ journal from chief editor

or advisory professor’s e-mail letter of publication or expected publication of article(s) on Double-blind peer review journal(s)

[Place] : GSIS Administration Office (Offline Submission)

April 18, 2023


May 3, 2023

5 p.m.


- Thesis Examination Fee: 300,000 KRW

- Place : Nonghyup or Shinhan bank

- Procedure : Print out the payment bill from the website (http://my.snu.ac.kr) and pay the fee through the bank

Will be conducted under the charge of Chairperson

Presentation of Thesis Summary

The applicant for the doctoral thesis will submit and present his/her completed thesis draft.

3 (or more) /5 of the examiners have to attend.

Students who would like to withdraw from the examination process must submit ‘Application for Withdrawal of Doctoral Thesis Examination’ before the date of thesis examination.


- Number of Times: must be held at least twice

-Reporting: The chairperson will prepare “Result of Doctoral Thesis Pre-examination” and submit it to the GSIS Administration Office after the completion of preliminary examination and before the final examination.

(Final) Thesis Examination

[Evaluation Method]

The examining committee members will prepare “Oral Examination Score” under the charge of the Chairperson and decide whether or not that thesis can be passed by secret ballot.

- To pass the thesis examination, the applicant must receive 4/5 or above agreement of the Committee Members and

- The applicant must acquire an average of 70 points or above (4/5 of the examiners must give 70 points or above) in order to pass the oral examination.

[Decision Contents]

“Pass,” “Withdrawal,” “Extension of Examination Period” and “Fail”

5 /5 of the examiners have to attend.


After Thesis Examination is completed


July 10, 2023

Result of Thesis Examination

[Decision Report]

Chairperson will submit “Summary of Doctoral Thesis Examination,” “Result of Doctoral Thesis Examination,” “Oral Examination Score,” and “Ballot Paper” to the GSIS Administration Office.

Result of Turnitin Program

[ Submission of Result of Turnitin Program]

-Turnitin program confirms whether there is no plagiarism in student’s thesis.

-After student finish using the program, please print out the result version of thesis and submit to own advisor.

-Advisor should read student’s result version of thesis and fill in ‘Confirmation for Result of Turnitin’.

-After that, student has to submit the ‘Confirmation for Result of Turnitin Form’ to admin. Office of GSIS.


Extension of Thesis Examination Period

1. With a request to the GSIS Academic Committee by the Examining Committee Chair, the thesis examination can be extended up to one semester.

2. Students who would like to extend the period must submit ‘Application for Extension of Doctoral Thesis Examination Period’ to the GSIS Administration Office.


July 21, 2023


August 7, 2023

Submission of Thesis (PDF)

[Submission of Thesis (PDF)]

- The PDF file must be submitted on "학위논문 온라인 제출" of the Central Library website. submission of bounded copies of thesis

* No submission of bounded copies of thesis

* Not allowed to submit/edit thesis after deadline

* If you do not submit the thesis within the specified time frame you will be denied your degree.

The title of the Thesis must be the same as that of the ‘Summary of Doctoral Thesis Examination.’

* Submission of ‘Application for Non-publication of Thesis’: by July 10, 2023

Publication of Thesis

- According to Article 28 of the degree conferral regulations, students who have received a doctoral degree must publish their theses within one year after acquiring the degree. The theses should be published in the following manner

: through a printed book, academic publications, other types of publications (including international ones), academic seminars, and other means.

-Despite the regulations above, students who have requested a delay on their theses publication July remain under such status for three years upon approval of the Chair of Academic Committee of GSIS. Some of the reasons for a hold request July include an expected application for a patent, military service, and other acceptable reasons. In this case, ‘Application for Non-publication of Thesis’ must be submitted to the GSIS Administration Office.




【Appendix 1】 Procedures Post Thesis Examination Results

(Procedures that need to be followed depending on your thesis examination results)


Conditions of Results

Following Semester Examination Procedures (See below for further details)

Requirement(s) for Thesis to Maintain Validity from Previous Semester


A. Withdrawal

(for master's and doctoral program)

① Failed to submit thesis even after registration of thesis examination

② Needed various adjustments in thesis content

③ Passed thesis exams but degree conferral is or expected to be cancelled

ⓐ ~ ⓖ

Quality of thesis content is maintained throughout

Thesis submitted in the final semester November not be withdrawn (those in the doctoral program November only apply for an extension of thesis examination)

B. Extension

(doctoral program only)

Further adjustments of thesis content is necessary

(postponement possible for another semester or until final submission date)

ⓒ, ⓔ ~ ⓖ

Same as above

Extension must be approved by all members of the Board

C. Fail

① Thesis results are unsatisfactory, or/ and re-examination necessary due to complete change of thesis title and content

② Conditions of A. or B. are not met

ⓐ ~ ⓖ

Quality of thesis content is not maintained throughout


☞ ⓐSubmission of documents related to the thesis ⓑPayment of thesis examination fee ⓒReport on students whose thesis are to be examined ⓓSelection of academic advisor ⓔPre-arranged examination and final examination ⓕReport on results of thesis examination ⓖ Submission of thesis for archival purposes