2023학년도 신양문화재단 외국인 장학생 선발 안내(2023 Sinyang Cultural Foundation Foreign Scholarship Application Notice) )

Official Notice


재단법인 신양문화재단에서 2023학년도 외국인 장학생을 다음과 같이 선발하오니, 관심있는 외국인 유학생들은 지원하여 주시기 바랍니다.

가. 지원자격 (동시 충족)

  - 본교 학사·석사·박사과정 재학 중인 외국인 유학생(2023학년도 전기 신입생 제외)

     ※ 등록금 면제성 타 장학금 수혜 불가

  - 전체 평점평균 3.0/4.3 이상인 학생

  - 외국 국적 소유자

  - 잔여학기 2개 학기 이상 남은 재학생

나. 지원내용

  - 1년간 등록금 전액면제 (학기 말에 성적 심사를 통해 수혜 지속여부 결정)

다. 선발인원: ○명

라. 지원방법

  - 붙임의 구비서류 2023년 1월 16일(월)까지 행정실(140-1동 301호, 담당자 배석민) 제출 (원본 서류 제출)

마. 제출서류 및 기타 유의사항: 붙임 선발계획(안) 참조


붙임 1. 2023학년도 신양문화재단 외국인 장학금 신청안내 1부.

     2. 지원 신청서 양식 각 1부.



The Shinyang Cultural Foundation is recruiting '2023 Shinyang Scholarship Students' as follows.

1. Who can apply (*International students only)

1) Those who have more than 2 regular semesters left before graduation

- Semesters as a ‘research student’ are not counted. 

- Freshmen for Spring 2023 can't apply

2) Those who have trouble in concentrating on studying due to difficult family situation

- Needs to indicate the situation in the “Recommendation letter” officially sealed.   

3) Those who have received a total GPA of 3.0 or higher in average  


2. Scholarship: 1 year tuition fee (*If maintaining all qualifications. Please refer to “3. Qualifications”)

- Those who have received other scholarships will be excluded from the selection

- If you take a leave of absence, you lose your scholarship qualification.

- Each semester, the foundation pays the student an amount equivalent to the tuition to the student account


3. Qualifications:

1) Total GPA of 3.0 or higher

2) Number of credits: 4 credits or higher in every semester   

3) Participation in Naver Band (Shinyang Cultural Foundation) is required


4. Required documents

Applicants must submit all required documents below (except “Copy of Tuition Bill) by 2023. 1. 16 (Mon.)

1) Application form & Recommendation Letter (Attachment 1)  

2) Self-Introduction and Study Plan ( Attachment 2)

3) Undergraduate Transcript (For Ph.d student, Undergraduate and Master transcript) 

4) Copy of bank account

5) Agreement Form (Attachment 3)

6) Letter of Recommendation (Attachment 4)

7) Pledge Form (Attachment 5)

8) Certificate of Tuition (Attachment 6)(or Copy of Tuition Bill)

- Note that the “Certificate” must indicate the amount of tuition fee and payment history including other scholarships received. Submit the document sealed.

- Applicant who wants to submit copy of tuition bill may submit it separately (period of submission: 2023. 2.14(Tue)) 


5. How to apply

Please submit the original file of all required documents to the GSIS Administration Office in Building 140-1, Room 301. (Seokmin Bae)


For further questions, contact GSIS Admin (Seokmin Bae, seukmin777@snu.ac.kr)