Course Registration For Spring 2022 (2022학년도 1학기 수강신청 안내)

Official Notice

All students who wish to modify or wintdraw their registered courses must read and follow the applicable procedures listed in the body of this notice as well as the attached documents. 


1. Period and Subject




2. Important Notes


Attachment 1-1. 2022학년도 1학기 수강신청 안내(Notice for Spring 2022 SNU Course Reigstration)(KR and EN)

1-2.중복수강신청서 서식(Course Overlap Request Form)(KR and EN)

2. 서울대학교 수강신청 매뉴얼(SNU Course Registration Manual)(KR and EN)

3. Notice on the Inappropriate Course Registration(KR)