Submission of Result of Turnitin Program (Checking of Plagiarism for Thesis)_Applicants for Thesis Defense_(~January 25, 2021)

Official Notice

2020. 2학기 논문 Defense 신청자들은 논문 작성 후 표절방지시스템을 실행하고 지도교수님과 전공주임의 서명과 의견을 받아 2021년 1월 25일까지 (기한연장됨) 행정실에 제출해 주시기 바랍니다.

Turnitin Program   : 중앙도서관 홈페이지( -> 자료검색-> 학술DB-> Turnitin 검색 (매뉴얼 다운로드 가능, ID &PW 확인가능)

Students who applied for thesis defense in fall semester 2020, please submit the result of TURNITIN Program to GSIS admin. office by January 25 2021 (Revised). Students need to get advisory professor and program chair's approval.

Turnitin Program : -> FIND -> Databases -> search "Turnitin" (Manual Download, Check ID & PW )

Please click the "Turnitin Shortcuts". Then, students can check ID & PW.



Int'l Commerce : prof. Jeong, Hyeok

Int'l Cooperation: prof. Sheen, Seong-Ho

Int'l Area Studies: prof. Kim, Chong-Sup

Korean Studies : prof. Han, Jeong-Hun

[Ph.D] International Studies : prof. Lee, Soo-Hyung