2020 Guidance for registering School Admins' Legal Liability Insurance

Official Notice

2020학년도 학교경영자 배상 책임보험 가입내용을 안내해드립니다. 


1. 보험명: 학교경영자 배상 책임보험 

2. 보험회사명: (주)케이비손해보험 

3. 계약기간: 2020. 3. 31 (화) 00:00 ~ 2021. 3. 31 (수) 00:00 (1년) 

4. 담보내역 및 보상 한도액 

담보위험 구분 대상 인원(명) 보상 한도액(금액단위:천원)
1인당 1사고당
학교경영자 배상책임담보(국내) 대인배상 재학생 및 연구생 등 35,594 350,000 3,500,000
대물배상   20,000
구내/외 치료비 담보(국내)   2,000 2,000

5. 보상범위: 붙임1 [2020학년도 보험 특수조건 1부] 참조

6. 청구방법: 보험금 청구서류 장학복지과로 제출 (붙임2 참조) 


Below is the contents for joining the School Administrators' Legal Liability Insurance. Please refer to it. 

1. Name of the insurance: the School Administrators' Legal Liability Insurance 

2. Insurance Company: KEB Insurance Inc. 

3. Contract Period: 2020. 3. 31 (Tue) 00:00 ~ 2021. 3. 31 (Wed) 00:00 (1 yr) 

4. Contents and Conpensations

Perils Covered Subcategory Object Number of Persons Limit of Liability(unit: 1,000won)
per capita per incidence
School Administrators' Liability of Compensation Mortgage (Domestic) Personal Indemnification Registered, Research students etc 35,594 350,000 3,500,000
Object Indemnification   20,000
Domestic/foreign Medical Expenses Mortgage (Domestic)   2,000 2,000

5. Range of Compensation: Please refer to the document 1 attached below

6. Way of Charge: Please refer to the document 2 attached below 

Please keep in mind that the documents attached below are writted in Korean. 

Thank you.