Information of Qualifying Exam for Doctoral Student (from spring semester 2017)

Official Notice

[박사과정 논자시]
- 2017학년도 제1학기 논자시 응시자부터 적용
- 전공과목은 각각 다른 교원이 지정한 과목으로 응시하여야 함
- 박사과정의 출제와 채점은 국제대학원 전임교원만 가능함.

[Qualifying Exam for Doctoral Student]
Applicants who apply for qualifying exam from spring semester of 2017 have to select two courses from two professors for their major qualifying exam. In other words, students can't select two courses from one professor for their major test.
And students can't select course of Non-full time professor of GSIS.