2016 Winter Session Course Registration

Official Notice

1. Winter Session Schedule
1) Preliminary trial period for course registration : 10.26.(W) ~ 10.28.(F) 9:00 ~ 18:00
2) Course Registration : 11.3.(R) ~ 11.4(F) 8:00 ~ 18:00, 11.7.(M) ~ 11.9.(W) 9:00 ~ 18:00
3) 1st Submission of "Tentative Course Registration Form" : ~ 11.9.(W) 17:00
4) Announcement of 1st Cancellation of Courses: 11.14.(M)
5) Course Change Period: 11.16.(W) ~ 11.18.(F) 9:00 ~ 18:00
6) 2nd Submission of "Tentative Course Registration Form" : ~ 11.18.(F) 17:00
7) 1st Tuition Bill Printing and Payment : 11.23.(W) ~ 11.29.(T)
8) 2nd Tuition Bill Printing and Payment : 12.7.(W) ~ 12.9.(F)
9) Announcement of 2nd Cancellation of Courses: 12.12.(M)
10) Course Withdrawal Before the Beginning of Winter Session: 12.15.(R) ~ 12.21.(W)
11) The beginning of Winter Session : 12.22.(R)
12) End of Course Withdrawal : 1.7.2017.(Sat.)
13) End of Winter Session : 1.25.2017(W)

2. Course Registration
1) Preliminary trial period for course registration: 10.26.(W) ~ 10.28.(F)
2) Course Registration : 11.3.(R) ~ 11.4(F) 8:00 ~ 18:00, 11.7.(M) ~ 11.9.(W) 9:00 ~ 18:00
3) At: http://sugang.snu.ac.kr (same as the regular semester)
4) Maximum credits for registration: 6 credits

3. Announcement of Course Cancelation
1) 1st Cancellation of Courses: 11.14.(M), 2nd Cancellation of Courses: 12.12.(M)
2) In case you registered for cancelled courses, request refund or change to other courses which provide same amount of credits.
- Change of the courses
  * 1st Cancellation Courses: Change them yourselves during course change period.
  * 2nd Cancellation Courses: Submit the "Tentative Course Registration Form" to the Office of Academic Affairs by 12.14.(W).
- Request for refund: Request refund through on-line at MYSNU.
* How to Register your bank account: MySnu → Academic Affairs → My Info → Student Info → Modify Personal Info → Type in a bank account under the Personal Info.

4. Course Change: 11.16.(W) ~ 11.18.(F) 9:00 ~ 18:00

5. Course Withdrawal

1) Before the course starts(12.15.~ 12.21.): Withdraw the course through on-line : Log on at MYSNU → Academic Affairs → Class/Grade → Class → Course Drop(Summer/Winter Session)
2) After the course starts(12.22.~ 1.7.): Withdraw the course through on-line (same as above) by 1.7.2017. → Print out → Receive the signature from the lecturing professor → Submit it to the GSIS administration office
3) Submission Deadline for Course Withdrawal Document: 1.9.(M) 12:00

6. Tuition Bill Printing and Payment
1) Period: 11.23.(W) ~ 11.29.(T)(1st), 12.7.(W) ~ 12.9.(F)(2nd)
2) Bank: Any bank (Payment at the bank counter: 09:00 ~ 16:00, Virtual account payment: 09:00 ~ 17:00)
3) Bill Printing at MYSNU
※ Log on → Academic Affairs → Tuition → Billing Info → Summer/Winter Session Tuition Bill
4) Tuition Fee
- Theory courses(3-3-0): 40,500 KRW per credit
- Practical courses(3-2-2): 45,500 KRW per credit
(There would be surcharge on lessons which use an outside facility such as bowling, swimming, etc.)

7. Cancellation of Courses
- Full refund: 12.15.(R) ~ 12.21.(W)
- 2/3 refund: 12.22.(R) ~ 1.3.(T)
- 1/2 refund: 1.4.(W) ~ 1.7.(Sat)
- No refund: 1.8.(Sun.)~

붙임  1. 2016학년도 동계 계절학기 수강신청 안내
         2. 2016학년도 동계 계절학기 수강신청 매뉴얼