TEPS for Qualifying Exam, Fall Semester of 2016

Official Notice

TEPS for Qualifying Exam, Fall Semester of 2016

Students who want to apply for thesis defense in fall semester of 2016 have to submit the English Score (TEPS or TOEFL) for Qualifying Exam. (It's not for the International student of Korean major or English speakers of other major)
Up to the 222nd TEPS score will be accepted. (test date : September 24, 2016, application : until September 20, 2016)
Students who already have submitted TEPS or TOEFL score don't need to submit again.

2016학년도 2학기에 논문디펜스를 신청하는 학생의 경우 논문제출자격시험으로 영어성적(텝스 또는 토플)을 제출하여야 하며
222회 텝스시험까지 유효합니다. (한국학 외국인 학생과 국적이 영어권인 석사과정 학생은 해당사항이 없음)