Dual Degree Master Korean European Studies(MAKES)

Official Notice

  The Dual Degree Master of Korean European Studies (MAKES) is a 2-year Master program offered by the University of Tübingen and the Seoul National University (SNU). It provides educational opportunities to gain in-depth knowledge on Europe and the European Union and its relations to Korea and the East Asian region.


  The MAKES program focuses on the relations between Korea and Europe in a regional and global context. The students are, therefore, encouraged to pursue a comparative, interdisciplinary, and transnational approach to xplore the multi-dimensional relations between Korea and Germany as well as between the East Asian and the European regions. The program is specifically aimed at GSIS students with a deep interest in Europe. A certain level of  expertise is only achieved by experiencing firsthand the society, culture, and everyday life of the specific country or region in question. MAKES combines a challenging study program with the acquisition of intercultural competency and skills.

  GSIS students in Tübingen are based at the Korean Studies Section. They take classes with Tübingen’s Korean Studies Master students focusing on Korean-European relations as well as pursue their different GSIS majors at the renowned Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. Courses in the fields of International Business and Economics are available for the GSIS International Commerce Majors and in Political Science for students majoring in Area Studies and International Relations. Additionally, the European and International Studies program offers summer and winter schools. Thus, MAKES follows a truly international and interdisciplinary approach to Korean-European Studies.