2nd Payment of the Tuition Payment Plan Due

Official Notice

2nd Payment of the Tuition Payment Plan Due


  The second payment for students who applied for the tuition installment payment plan is due. Please make your payment as given below: 

 1. 2nd period: 9 a.m. on April 18 ~ 5 p.m. on April 20, 2016      
   3rd period : May 11 ~ May 13, 2016
   4th period : May 25 ~ May 27, 2016

2. Procedure: Print out the tuition bill and pay tuition.

  - The bill is printable from 9 a.m. on April 15, 2016.

 - Visit to https://shine.snu.ac.kr/gojiseoindex.html


3. Methods of payment 

  A. Credit card: Nonghyup BC Card, Nonghyup NH Card, Shinhan Card or Woori Card is acceptable. 

   - Go the Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank or Woori Bank in person to pay by credit card 

   - Go to the homepage of Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank or Woori Bank to pay online 

 B. Payment can be made via Internet banking, phone banking, or ATM transfers 

 C. Payment can be made at all local banks. However, students making payments at banks other than Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank and Woori Bank will be subject to service charges.  


4. The receipt 'Confirmation of Education Expense Payment (CEEP)' is printable after paying the tuition fee. 

 - To verify that your payment was received, go to the mySNU web site (http://my.snu.ac.kr ) and click on "학사행정" → "증명/확인서" -> "증명/확인서발급".  


* Failure to make the payment by the deadline may result in the cancellation of your registration. 


* Students can only take a leave of absence after paying the tuition fees in full (Four installments must be paid before submitting the form 'Application for Leave of Absence').

5. Refund of the extra costs of tuition


- Returning students who paid the tuition fees in previous semester can receive a refund tuition by 0.35 percent cut in this semester.




* Procedures




Go to the mySNU site (my.snu.ac.kr) ->Login -> Click on "학사정보/Academic Affairs" -> Click on "나의 정보/My info" -> Enter your information (Bank account, Mobile Phone etc.)