(Revised) Registration for the Spring Semester of 2016 (Return, Readmission, Leave of Absence, Registration)

Official Notice

Registration for the Spring Semester of 2016

 The application period for Registration, Return, Readmission, and Leave of Absence for the Spring Semester of 2016 is as follows:

1. Application for Return   

 1) Period: December 21, 2015 ~ March 18, 2016  

 2) Procedure:  

  (1) Login to the SNU Portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) → 학사정보 → 학적변동(신청)→복학 

   (2) Click "신청" button → select "일반복학"(General Return) or "군 복학"(Military Service Return) → click "반영" button after verifying your cell phone number  

   (3) Print out (click "출력" button) the web page within 3 days and submit the document with your academic advisor's signature and the department chair's signature to the GSIS Administration Office.  

  3) Confirmation: login to the SNU Portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) → 학사정보 → 학적변동    

 2. Petition for Reinstatement/Readmission  

  1) Application Submission Period :  December 21, 2015 ~ January 8, 2016  

  2) Procedure: Submit the document (Petition for Reinstatement and Readmission) to the GSIS Administration Office  

  3) Reinstatement (School regulations Chapter 59)  

    - If a student is dismissed due to failure of registration, he/she can be reinstated within one year only when the department has extra space. Reinstatement is permitted only once throughout a student's enrollment.  

  4) Readmission (School Regulations Chapter 60)  

    - If a student was either expelled or dismissed from the school for reasons other than not registering, he/she is permitted to re-register only if the department he/she wishes to enter has extra space.  

    - If a student was removed from the school register because of disciplinary measures, exceeding the maximum number of terms in the school or expulsion, he/she does not qualify for readmission.  

    - Readmission is allowed only once.   

  5) Registration period: February 15, 2016 ~ February 19, 2016 

3. Leave of Absence   

  1) Period:  

   (1) Before Payment: December 14, 2015 ~ March 25, 2016

   (2) After Payment: February 22, 2016 ~ April 20, 2016  

   * Note that a student who wants to apply for a Leave of Absence after Registration should pay tuition before taking the Leave of Absence. One cannot pay tuition after taking the Leave of Absence.  

  2) Procedure:  

   (1) Login to the SNU Portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) → 학사정보→학적변동(신청)→휴학

   (2) Click "신청" button → select "가사휴학"(General Leave of Absence), "질병휴학"(Leave of Absence due to Health Reasons), or "군 휴학"(Military Service Leave of Absence) → select the reason for leave of absence → click "반영" button after verifying your cell phone number  

   (3) Print out (click "출력" button) the web page within 3 days and submit the document with your academic advisor's signature and the department chair's signature to the GSIS Administration Office.  

   (4) Confirmation: login to the SNU Portal (http://my.snu.ac.kr) → 학사행정 → 학적변동 (click on the fourth tab)  

  * Leave of Absence is only valid for two academic semesters (totaling to one calendar year). If a student has taken a Leave of Absence for a year, he/she must re-apply for Leave of Absence or apply for Returning to school.

  * The aggregate term of absence cannot exceed four semesters for graduate students in a master’s program and six semesters for students in a doctoral program (excluding Military Service Leave of Absence, Leave of Absence due to Delivery). You will be dismissed from the school if you exceed these time allotments. Students whose Leave of Absence exceeds the given allotments MUST return no matter when one has taken the Leave of Absence.

4. Registration period for enrolling, returning, and readmitting students:  

  1) Registration period: (Revised) February 18, 2016 ~ February 24, 2016

  2) Location: Any branch of Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank, or Woori Bank  

   * Additional fees will be incurred at the student’s own expense if the payment is made through institutions other than Nonghyup, Shinhan Bank, and Woori Bank.

 5. Others   

  1) Those who have taken a leave of absence after paying tuition do not need to pay again, but only need to submit a form for re-enrollment.
    (Students who have registered for more than four semesters may be charged with a different tuition fee depending on the number of credits. Please check this amount on your 'Invoice of Tuition Fees.') 

      * For graduate students, a minimum of four semesters is required in order to graduate.  

  2) Students who exceed their fourth semester, but have not fulfilled course credits, and fail to register for classes will not be registered and will be dismissed. The students must register for one class at least to maintain student status.

   * Eight semesters is the maximum number of semesters Master’s candidates may enroll in; twelve semesters is the maximum number of semesters that doctoral candidates may enroll in.