2015 Symposium for Emerging Scholars

Official Notice

      On April 17, 2015, Symposium for Emerging Scholars hosted by the International Society of Fair Trade (ISFT) took place at the International Conference Hall. Many young and eager scholars who received prizes last year for their excellent thesis were given opportunities to make presentations about their research to experts and fellow scholars. There were two groups from SNU GSIS taking part JiYeong Yoo, and Dongchul Kwak and Minju Kim. They presented about WTO countervailing duties in conjunction with preexisting WTO laws, and also about the effects of exchange rates on anti-dumping investigation processes, respectively. Other topics included economic effects that existing FTAs have on new FTAs and trade patterns between Korea and different parts of China. After each presentation, there were many questions and also suggestions from the floor that could provide guidance and add depth to their further research.