Invitation to the GSIS Commencement (Feb. 26)

Official Notice

Invitation to the GSIS Commencement


Graduate Candidates and guests are all cordially invited to the

commencement of GSIS to be held in honor of all graduates on Thursday,

February 26 2015.


- Date : February 26, 2015 (4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.)

- Venue: So-Cheon International Conference Room at GSIS (Bldg. 140-1)


February 2015

Kim, Chong Sup

Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies

Seoul National University


[Academic Dress]

- The cap and gown are provided in the lecturer Lounge (# 201-1), next to the GL Room located on the 2nd floor of the building 140.

- Academic gown service is available from February 25 through February 26, 2015.

- The cap tassel should be worn on the right side.
- After the ceremony the regalia must be returned to the guard office by February 27 2015.


※All graduates and guests should be in their seats by 3:45. (p.m.) We kindly ask for everybody’s cooperation in order to conduct the ceremony honorably and successfully.


초 청 장



서울대학교국제대학원 2014학년도 전기(2015. 2월) 학위수여식을 아래와 같이 거행하고자 하오니 참석하시어 자리를 빛내주시기 바랍니다.


- 일시 : 2015. 2. 26.(목) 오후 4:00 ~ 5:00

- 장소 : 국제대학원 소천국제회의실(140-1동)


2015. 2.


서울대학교국제대학원장 김 종 섭



- 기간 : 2015. 2. 25(수) ~ 2. 26(목)

- 장소 : 국제대학원 구관(140동) 강사휴게실 (201-1)

- 반납일 : 2015. 2. 27(금)

- 학위모의 술은 오른편에 위치하도록 함.

※행사 당일 오후 3시45분까지 식장에 입장하여 주시고, 여러분의 영예스러운 학위수여식

성대하고 엄숙하게 진행될 수 있도록 적극 협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.