국제학연구소(IIA) Pacific Report 창간호 발간

Featured News
2023-05-08 Last updated: 2023-05-08

안녕하세요, 서울대학교 국제학연구소입니다.

 국제학연구소가 2023년부터 새롭게 선보이는 퍼시픽 리포트 (Pacific Report) 창간호가 발간되었습니다. 아모레퍼시픽재단의 후원으로 발간하게 된 퍼시픽 리포트는 국제 현안에 대한 전략적 이해를 심화하고, 한반도의 현실에 맞는 정책적 대안을 제시코자 합니다.
또한 21세기 한국의 위상에 맞는 중견국가로서의 나아갈 비전과 역할을 국제사회에 제대로 알리고자 합니다.

 그 첫 발걸음으로, 퍼시픽 리포트 창간호에서는 인남식 국립외교원 아중동연구부장이 미·중 경쟁 속 사우디아라비아와 이란의 국교 복원의 지정학적 의미에 대해서 기고하였습니다.
국제학연구소와 퍼시픽 리포트에 대한 지속적인 관심과 지원을 부탁드립니다.


Greetings from Institute of International Affairs.

The inaugural issue of the Pacific Report, presented by the Institute of International Affairs(IIA) starting from 2023, has been published. The Pacific Report, sponsored by the Amore-Pacific Foundation, aims to deepen strategic understanding of international issues and propose policy alternatives that reflect the reality of the Korean Peninsula. At the same time, the report seeks to present Korea's vision and role as a middle power that matches its status in the international community in the 21st century. 

In the first inaugural issue of the Pacific Report, Nam-sik In, the Director-General of the Department of African and Middle Eastern Studies at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy, contributed an article on the geopolitical significance of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran amid the U.S.-China competition. We kindly request your continuous interest and support for the IIA and the Pacific Report.

Download Link: https://iia.snu.ac.kr/publications/pacific