GSIS Student Orientation in Spring-2017 Semester

Featured News
 Last updated: 2017-03-09

   Thursday, March 2 marked the first day of the academic year at SNU GSIS. For most students at GSIS, the day meant a return to the familiar routines of academic life. To assuage these potential fears and make new students feel welcome, GSIS traditionally holds an orientation session. This year was no exception, as dozens of new students filled the seats of Socheon Hall.  Dean of SNU GSIS, Dr. Park, Cheol-hee, began the event by introducing faculty and members of staff as well as explaining what, in his view, makes SNU GSIS so special. Next, the Dean shared several tips on how to succeed at GSIS and urged students to always be respectful of other opinions they might encounter. Finally, he congratulated new students on becoming members of GSIS.  Heartened by these words, new students are making a confident start to their first semester at SNU GSIS.