FTA Trade Policy Symposium: Crisis and Policy Initiatives of the World Trade System

Featured News
 Last updated: 2016-12-19

     On November 25th, 2016, SNU GSIS was pleased to host the FTA Trade Policy Symposium by inviting 12 trade experts to debate under the topic, “Crisis and Policy Initiatives of the World Trade System.”  Session I began with the overview of the sub-topic, “Crisis and Problem of the World Trade System” by Dukgeun Ahn, a professor of GSIS, Seoul National University and a moderator of Session I. After that, the debate about the given sub-topic was further discussed by 5 other panelists: Taeho Bark, a former trade minister and a professor of GSIS, Seoul National University, Se Young Ahn, a professor of GSIS, Sogang University, Jaemin Lee, a professor of School of Law, Seoul National University, Byung-Rin Yoo, a visiting professor of College of Life and Science, Kyungpook National University, and Seokyoung Choi, a visiting professor of GSIS, Seoul National University. Panelists mainly talked about the challenges of the WTO system, the role of G20 and the other multilateral trading systems.

      Session II was followed with the overview of the sub-topic, “Trade Policy Initiatives of the Korean Government” by Yoon Heo, the Dean and a professor of GSIS, Sogang University and a moderator of Session II. Then, the debate about the given sub-topic was continuously discussed by another panel: Jong-Hoon Kim, a former trade minister, Byung-il Choi, a professor of Ewha Womans University, Inkyo Cheong, a professor of Inha University, Jeong-Bin Im, a professor of College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, and Chul Chung, a visiting professor of GSIS, Seoul National University. The panel mainly talked about the current issues and direction of trade policy, and the strategy to enhance trade negotiating capacity.