Recent Development in EU Trade Remedies Law and Practice and Brexit

Featured News
 Last updated: 2016-11-23

      On November 23rd, 2016, Edwin Vermulst, a founding partner of VVGB Advocaten and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of World Trade, gave a lecture not only to the students of the FTA Commerce and Strategy Program, but also to the entire GSIS students under the topic, “Recent Development in EU Trade Remedies Law and Practice and Brexit.” Lawyer Vermulst lectured the position of the EU regarding several trade remedies like Anti-dumping and subsidy measures by showing relevant legal cases. Also, he specifically explained the proposed new methodology for calculating China’s normal value and how it is implemented by the EU. Lastly, he concluded with the impact of Brexit on future trade policy of the EU and the UK, and some implications for Korea regarding commerce issues after Brexit.