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Lee, Hyuntai/ 李賢泰 

Associate Professor

OfficeRoom 607, Bldg. 140-1
Tel.(82-2) 880-8514
MajorChinese Economy

Hyuntai Lee is an associate professor at the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University(SNU). Prior to joining Seoul National University, he was a research fellow at the Korea Institute for Foreign Economic Policy (KIEP), a think tank of the Korean government, and as an associate professor at Incheon National University(INU). His research interests include the Chinese economy, Korean-China economic relations, China’s foreign economic policy (Belt and Road Initiative), economic cooperation and global value chain in East Asia, and economic security, with a particular focus on the impact of China’s economic rise on its neighbours and their responses.


China’s economy, Korea-China economic relations, China’s foreign economic policy (Belt & Road Initiative), Global value chains in East Asia, Economic security


Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Department of Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Master of Arts in Economics, Department of Economics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Bachelor of Arts, Department of Asian History, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


2024.09 – current

Associate Professor, Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University

2019.03 – 2024.08

Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language & Cultural Studies, Incheon National University

2015.06 – 2019.02

Associate Research Fellow, China team, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy(KIEP)


[Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles]

[32] 2024 “Russia’s Far East Development Strategy and East Asia: Focusing on the Characteristics and Direction of Korea-China-Japan Cooperation with Russia.” (러시아의 극동개발전략과 동북아시아: 한·중·일의 대러 협력 특징과 방향성을 중심으로), Russian Studies 34(1); 167~202. [with Dong-ho Yeom, corresponding author]

[31] 2023 发展中国家外债问题研究-以非经济外部冲击和外债可持续性为中心-.” 東北亞經濟硏究 , 35(2); 141~171. [with Junyoung Kim, corresponding author]


[30] 2023 “A Study on Korea-China Business Model Using Multiple FTA: Focused on Korea’s export consumer goods to China.” (다중 FTA를 활용한 한⋅중 비즈니스 모델 연구: 소비재 수출을 중심으로), Journal of Korea Research Association of International Commerce 23(2); 57~79. [with Seung Kwon Na, Junyoung Kim, corresponding author]


[29] 2023 “The Analysis of China’s Supply Chain Policy Changes and Effects of China-linked Supply Chain Disruption.” (중국의 공급망 정책 변화와 중국발 공급망 교란의 영향력 평가), The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies 35(1); 63~100. [with Wanjoong Kim, first author]


[28] 2023 “Where is China’s Economy Heading in the Third Term of Xi Jinping?” (시진핑 집권 10년, 중국 경제 회고와 전망), 中国社会科学论丛 5(1); 73~116.


[27] 2022 “An Analysis of North Korea’s attitude of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics through automated text analysis over Rodong newspaper articles.” (노동신문 텍스트 분석을 통한 북한의 ‘중국특색사회주의’ 수용 태도 분석), The Comparative Economic Review 29(2); 169~203. [with Jung Seung Ho, corresponding author]


[26] 2022 “The Achievements and Challenges of Trade Exchanges with China Over the Past 30 Years of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between Korea and China.” (한중 수교 30년, 대중 무역의 성과와 과제), The Journal of Modern China Studies 24(1); 209~257.


[25] 2022 “Institutions Matter Differently Depending On the Ownership Types of Firms: Interacting Effects On Firm Productivity in China.” Singapore Economic Review, 67(4), 1185~1208. [with Keen Lee, first author]


[24] 2022 “Leap or Stagnation? : Mapping the Global Value Chain of China’s Pharmaceutical Industry.” (도약인가 정체인가?: 글로벌 가치사슬 관점에서 본 중국 제약 산업), The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies 34(1), 115~142. [with Jeong Sang jun, corresponding author]


[23] 2021 “Current Status and Prospect of Aviation Exchange between North Korea and China.” (북중 항공교류 현황과 전망-중국 항공산업 발전과의 관계를 중심으로-), The Journal Of Political Science & Communication 24(2), 65~88. [with Junyoung Kim, corresponding author]


[22] 2021 “The Evolution of Cross-Border Cooperation under China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Pingxiang-Dong Dang Cross-Border Economic Cooperation Zone.” (일대일로 구상의 변경 협력 전개: 중국 핑샹-베트남 동당 초국경 경제협력구를 중심으로), China Knowledge Network 17(17); 407~449. [with Hansol Kim, corresponding author]


[21] 2021 “Changes and Characteristics of China-Russia Economic Cooperation: Focusing on Trade, Investment and Finance.” (중·러 경제 협력의 변화와 특성: 무역, 투자, 금융을 중심으로), The Journal of Foreign Studies 55; 479~516. [with Jungwon Cho, first author]


[20] 2021 “China’s Industrial Policy concerning Dual Circulation Strategy in 14th-Five-Year-Plan and Policy Proposals for South Korea.” (쌍순환 구상과 14·5계획에 나타난 중국의 산업정책과 한국의 대응방안), Sino-Soviet Affairs 44(4); 151~195. [with CHOI PilSoo, corresponding author]


[19] 2020 “Post Corona Era: China’s Global Value Chain Forecast and Implications.” (포스트 코로나시대 중국의 글로벌가치사슬 변화 전망과 시사점), China Knowledge Network, Special Issue; 183~215. [with JUNG DO SOOK, first author]


[18] 2020 “Japan Abe Government’s Strategy to Respond to China’s Belt & Road Initiative in Southeast Asia: Focus on the Type of Joint Entry between Japan and China.” (동남아 지역에서 중국 일대일로 구상에 대한 일본 아베 정부의 대응 전략: 일본과 중국의 제3국 공동 진출 유형에 관한 고찰), Korean Chinese Relations Review 6(2); 1~28. [with Junyoung Kim, Nam Ho Seok, corresponding author]


[17] 2020 “The changing roles of ownership in the economic growth in China.” Analyses & Alternatives, 4(2), 39~70.


[16] 2020 “Economic Cooperation Between Korea and Northeast China: Status, Policies, and Implications.” (한국과 중국 동북지역의 경제 협력: 현황, 정책, 시사점), Journal of Manchurian Studies 29; 97~120. [with Junyoung Kim, first author]


[15] 2020 “China’s Mobile Payment and O2O innovation and Implications for Korean Mobile Payment.” (중국의 모바일 결제 O2O 혁신과 한국의 모바일 결제에 대한 시사점), Korean-Chinese Social Science Studies 18(2); 185~217. [with Bong-Kyo SEO, Cheong Young-Rok, corresponding author]


[14] 2020 “The Characteristics and Implication of Chinese ODI and The Industrial Park.” (중국기업의 해외진출과 해외산업단지의 의미와 시사점), Journal of China Area Studies 7(1); 177~210. [with Nakseop Choi, Bong-Kyo SEO, co-author]


[13] 2020 “China’s Competitiveness and US-China Conflict in Data Platforms.” (데이터 플랫폼에서의 중국의 경쟁력과 미중 갈등), China and Sinology 39; 55~87. [with CHOI PilSoo, corresponding author]


[12] 2020 “A Study on the Development of Transborder Economic Cooperation Zone in China -Comparative Analysis of Horgos and Pingxiang cases.” (중국의 일대일로 초국경경제협력구 발전 현황 및 사례 연구 – 호르고스와 핑샹-동당 비교), Korean-Chinese Social Science Studies 18(1); 143~169. [with Sangbaek Hyun, first author]


[11] 2019 “International Debate on Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)and its implication on Korean policy toward BRI.” (일대일로 구상(一带一路倡议)”에 대한 국제 논쟁과 시사점), The Journal Of Political Science & Communication 22(3); 91~122. [with Junyoung Kim, corresponding author]


[10] 2018 “US-China trade dispute and China’s response.” (미중 통상 분쟁과 중국의 대응), Trend Analysis 104; 124~133.


[9] 2018 “An analysis of factors for upgrading Chinese manufacturing in New Normal Era.” (신창타이(新常態) 시대 중국 제조업의 고도화 요인 분석), The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies 30(2); 35~61. [with Junki Park, Sanghun Lee, first author]


[8] 2018 “The Possibility of Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) to finance DPRK and its implication.” (아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB)의 북한 개발 투자 가능성과 시사점), The Journal of Modern China Studies 20(1); 153~181. [with Junyoung Kim, first author]


[7] 2018 “What Cooperation should the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) pursue? -AIIB’s international cooperation situation and future outlook-.” (아시아인프라투자은행(AIIB)은 어떠한 협력을 추구해야하는가? -AIIB의 국제협력현황과 전망-), Korean Chinese Relations Review 4(1); 101~124. [with Junyoung Kim, Yunmi Oh, corresponding author]


[6] 2017 “Evaluation of Cooperation between Northeast China and Korea in the Belt and Road Initiative and its Implication.” (일대일로 구상에서의 중국 동북-한국의 협력 평가와 시사점), The Journal of Modern China Studies 19(3); 523~557. [with Junyoung Kim, corresponding author]


[5] 2017 “Recent Development and Prospect of China’s Electric Vehicle Industry: Focused on China’s Industry Policy.” (중국 전기자동차 산업발전과 전망: 중국 정부의 산업육성정책 평가를 중심으로), The Journal of Modern China Studies 18(4); 101~140. [with Junki Park, Jongseok Yoon, co-author]


[4] 2016 “Causes of the changing performance of firms with diverse types of ownerships in China.” Seoul Journal of Economics, 29(1), 95~112.


[3] 2016 “The Third Front and Panzhihua Construction: Rapid Urbanization in the Chinese Socialist Era and Lessons.” (삼선건설과 판즈화 – 사회주의 시기 초고속 도시화와 그 이면), Critical Review of History 117; 392~409.


[2] 2016 “Characteristics of the Chinese M&A fund and its effect on Industrial Restructuring.” (중국 M&A 펀드의 특징과 중국 산업 구조조정에 대한 영향), The Journal of Modern China Studies 18(1); 121~163. [with Bong Kyo Seo, Junki Park, co-author]


[1] 2016 “Chinese “One Belt and Road” Financing Models.” (중국 일대일로(一帶一路) 금융자금조달 모델에 관한 연구), Korean-Chinese Social Science Studies 14(2); 25~56. [with , Bong-Kyo SEO, Nakseop Choi, co-author]