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[KIEP Seminar] 2023 Seminar on Potential for Trilateral Trade Cooperation among Korea, the EU, and the U.S.(11/9)

Event Date 2023-11-09
Organized by
Event Date : 2023-11-09

Opening Remarks
9:30am-9:35am KST

Siwook Lee | President, KIEP

Welcoming Remarks
9:35am-9:45am KST

Kathleen Stephens | President & CEO, KEI

Ramon Pacheco Pardo | KF-VUB Korea Chair, Brussels School of Governance

Congratulatory Remarks
9:45am-10:00am KST

Dukgeun Ahn | Minister for Trade of the Republic of Korea

Maria Castillo-Fernandez | Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of Korea(video remarks)

Andrew Herrup | Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs, U.S. Embassy Seoul

Session I:
Potential and Prospects for Trilateral Cooperation
10:00am–11:00am KST

Taeho Lee | former 2nd Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea

Christophe Besse | Minister Counsellor, Head of Trade and Economy Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Korea

Matthew Goodman | Distinguished Fellow for Global Economic Policy and Director of the Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies, Council on Foreign Relations & former Director for International Economics, National Security Council

Moderated by:

Seokyoung Choi | former Ambassador of Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea in Geneva

Session II:
Cooperation on Economic Security, Technology.
Digital Trade, Climate Change, and Energy
11:10am–12:10pm KST

Kyu Yub Lee | Research Fellow, KIEP

Jin-Young Moon | Research Fellow, KIEP

Wonho Yeon | Research Fellow, KIEP

Ramon Pacheco Pardo | Professor and KF-VUB Korea Chair, Brussels School of Governance

Troy Stangarone | Senior Director and Fellow, KEI

Moderated by:

Jee-Hyeong Park | Professor, Seoul National University

12:10pm–2:00pm KST


The global trade environment has become increasingly uncertain due to de-globalization, protectionism, and regionalization of the global supply chains. These trends have been accelerated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In this environment, new issues such as economic security, digital trade, technology, climate change and energy are emerging. These changes have increased the need for trade cooperation among Korea, the EU and the United States. This requires new trade strategies which go beyond traditional trade policies such as FTAs.

Please join KIEP, the KF-VUB Korea Chair, and KEI for discussions by former senior officials and experts on the policies necessary to address these new trade issues.

★ Interpretation is not provided.


RSVPs will be accepted as a first-come, first-served basis.
[Seats may be filled out early.]