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[한국외대 인도연구소 HK+ 사업단] 제5회 한-인 2030포럼 개최 안내

Event Date 2023-09-15
Organized by
Event Date : 2023-09-15

[한국외대 인도연구소 HK+ 사업단] 제5회 한-인 2030포럼 개최 안내


The Institute of Indian Studies at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies will host the "The 5th Korea-India 2030 Forum" on 15th, September, 2023 (Friday) as follows.

The two sessions and their respective main topics are as follows

"Session 1. 2030 Generation and the Way Forward  " and " Session 2. Life, Work, Media, and Politics ."


In Session 1, young researchers and students will discuss key emerging topics which include Environmental Issues in the post-pandemic Era, Youth Consumption Culture, Perspectives on Career Preferences, and Perspectives on the Development of Artificial Intelligence.

In Session 2,  working professionals from Korea and India will discuss Marriage Views, Work Experience and Cultural Influences in Korea/India, and the Role of Media in Politics.


The forum is designed to provide a venue for dialogue and cooperation with graduate/undergraduate students, researchers, and working professionals from both Korea and India.

If you wish to attend the forum, kindly register by submitting the registration form through the link( https://bit.ly/3sn8mJ5 or you can scan the QR code on the poster. 


□ Date: 15th, September, 2023 (Friday) 13:00(Korean Standard Time)/ 09:30(Indian Standard Time)

□ Venue: Online via Zoom 

□ Participants: Graduate/Undergraduate students, young researchers and working professionals from India and Korea

□ Inquiry: hkindia2030@naver.com/ 031-330-4849