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[SNU GSIS BK21] Special Lecture Series (23) - 2 December (Fri.) 10:30 am - 12:00 pm (KST)

Event Date 2022-12-02
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Event Date : 2022-12-02

SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our Special Lecture Series.

For our twenty third session, we are inviting Assistant Professor Heangjin Park in Asian and Asian American Studies at Loyola Marymount University.

He will talk on the theme of "Designing Kimchi: Semiotic, Aesthetic, and Logical Making of "Koreanness" in China".

Please refer to below for further details: 



The lecture will navigate how Korean qualities are semiotically, aesthetically, and logistically configured to add value to kimchi produced and circulated in China. Drawing upon the ethnographic fieldwork in a Korean-Chinese (chosonjok)-owned kimchi company in Qingdao, the speaker will discuss how China-based entrepreneurs perceive, reflect on, and maneuver the differences and distance between “Korea” and “China.” The talk will focus on three related aspects of design works: adding Korean product names to the packages, creating product photographs that visualize Korean characteristics, and innovative product designs to solve quality control problems. By exploring how various design practices are intended as an intervention in commodity supply chains, the speaker will discuss how the perspective of design analytical attention to conceptual labors of reflection, speculation, and intervention in the making of commodity supply chains contributes to understanding the formulation of commodity value.


Participation is mandatory for BK Fellows (absence in BK events may affect next semester's selection).

 Thank you. 


<Event Information>

Date & Time: December 2 (Fri)  10:30 am - 12:00 pm (KST)

Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 999 0547 6970) *Direct Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/9990547697

Language: English