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The Inaugural Green Summit 2022

Event Date 2022-12-13
Speakers Stefanos Fotiou, Britt Wray, Christian Fleming, Tom Peacock-Nazil, etc
Venue UN Conference Centre, Bangkok
Organized by Humanitarian Affairs Asia
Event Date : 2022-12-13

Speakers : Stefanos Fotiou, Britt Wray, Christian Fleming, Tom Peacock-Nazil, etc

Venue : UN Conference Centre, Bangkok

Organized by : Humanitarian Affairs Asia


  1.  Title:  The Inaugural Green Summit 2022

  2.  Date:  December 13 to 16, 2022

  3.  Place:  United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

  4.  Organizer:  Humanitarian Affairs Asia

  5.  Sponsor:  The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand

  6.  Target:  All outstanding youth leaders, between the ages of 17 to 35 years

  7.  Theme: A future together
-Ignite youths' passion to fight for a greener future and join thousands of other young people to take action around the world.

-Provide young people the tools and knowledge to succeed as champions for a greener world.

  8.  Main  Program: The Green Summit, Lectures from world-leading experts in sustainable development, Group Reflection Session, Parallel Workshop Sessions, etc

  9. Administration Fee: 
For online applications, an administration fee of USD $12.00 must be submitted through PayPal together with your completed online form.

 The Green Summit Reg Online Form - Humanitarian Affairs Asia

  10.  Participation (total) Fee:  

1) Early Bird (Till July 17. 2022)

 -Individual (Full Benefit): USD 1,150.00 
 -Group (at least 10 person): USD 990.00
 -Individual (No 5-night accomodation): USD 800.00

2) Normal (July 18 to November 30, 2022)

 -Individual (Full Benefit): USD 1,120.00 
 -Group (at least 10 person): USD 1,150.00
 -Individual (No 5-night accomodation): USD 900.00


** Please see attached files for details.

If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact to globalteam1@humanitarianaffairs.asia and please vist website Green Summit | Overview - Humanitarian Affairs Asia to learn more.