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[SNU GSIS BK21] Special Lecture Series (15)
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Event Date : 2022-02-16
SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our Special Lecture Series.
For our fifteenth session, we are inviting Professor Tat Yan Kong from SOAS University of London. He will talk on the theme of "Taiwan’s Development in the 21st Century: the Political Economy of Inegalitarian Growth"
Taiwan’s emergence as a “rich democracy” in the 2000s highlighted its successful democratic consolidation and continuous industrial upgrading. The negative side of success is the experience of economic and social problems characteristic of advanced capitalism. These include de-industrialization, worsening of income and asset inequality, demographic crisis and inadequate social welfare. The sharp political rivalry, for all its sound and fury, appears to have little impact on these problems This lecture examines why in the process of becoming a “rich democracy”, Taiwan left behind its legacy of “growth with equity”. It will draw attention to the interaction of democratization process, the nature of the special relationship with China, and the evolution of labour politics as sources of inegalitarian growth. These factors make Taiwan (and arguably also Korea) less easily explicable by the contemporary theories of advanced capitalism.
Participation is mandatory for BK Fellows (absence in BK events may affect next semester's selection).
Event Information
- Date & Time: 16 February 20:00 - 21:30 pm (KST)
- Venue: Zoom Meeting (ID: 874 6965 5636 ) *Direct Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/87469655636
* Host & Contact: SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program (gsis_bk21@snu.ac.kr)