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제17차 청년워크숍 참가자 모집공고

Event Date 2021-08-10
Organized by
Event Date : 2021-08-10

The 17th Youth Workshop

“The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development”


UNITAR CIFAL Jeju/Jeju International Training Center has been organizing the youth workshop on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) since 2013 to empower young people to be an active agent for SDGs achievement by 2030. The workshop offers a unique learning opportunity for both Korean and international students in the Republic of Korea to apply the concepts of SDGs into practices and strengthen their capacities to be a global leader through various workshop modules including lectures, group work, discussion, presentation and field trip.


The theme of the 17th Youth Workshop is Social Entrepreneurship for sustainable development, which is being underscored in response to the on-going global health crisis. Social Entrepreneurship, a fast-emerging discipline that creates social impact, has played a vital role to economic growth and inclusion in creating jobs, providing innovative services and products, and promoting sustainable future.


The World Youth Report by Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations (UN DESA) also reaffirmed youth social entrepreneurship as one of the essential requirements to help accelerate the implementation of the SDGs. Through non-profit and for profit enterprises, social entrepreneurs promote a broad range of solutions focused on sustainable development. The impact of Social Entrepreneurship is far-reaching from the use of ethical practices such as conscious consumerism, impact investing, and corporate social responsibility programs to systemic solutions to social and environmental problems.


Through this workshop, participants will enhance their understanding of Social Entrepreneurship in the context of SDGs and pursue their leading roles to achieve 2030 Development Goals.



  1. Host & Organizer: UNITAR CIFAL Jeju / Jeju International Training Center
  2. Date: August 10th (Tue) – August 28th (Sat), 2021
  3. Venue: Hybrid Mode *all lectures will be provided online.
  1. Mission: Social Enterprise Proposal for Sustainable Development
  1. Learning Objectives

At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

      • Understand the concept of Social Entrepreneurship in the context of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
      • Identify their roles in achieving SDGs and develop Social Enterprise Proposal for action
  1. Participants: 50 students
    • Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in college/university in the Republic of Korea
  1. Benefits and Awards
  • 1st rank (1 Group): Jeju Field Trip Program (2Days)
  • 2nd Rank (2 Groups): Jeju Air Roundtrip Giftiket
  • 3rd Rank (3 Groups): Starbucks gift-coupon (Worth KRW 50,000)
  • All Participants: UNITAR Certificate and souvenirs
  1. Application
  • Application Period: July 16 to August 4, 2021
  • Application Form: https://forms.gle/oapn6LYSr4c1522E9 (Google Form)
  • Announcement of Application Result: August 6, 2021
  • Selected applications will be contacted individually via e-mail
  1. Program and Activities
  • Social Impact Entrepreneurship Course
  • Access to UNITAR (UN Training and Research Institute) Lectures
  • Social Enterprise Proposal and Presentation (Group activity)
  • Create Video of social impact and social media promotional activity
  • Mentoring session


  • Programme



    August 10,




    Opening Remarks

    [Module 1] Youth Leadership for the Achievement of SDGs

    [Module 2] Social Entrepreneurship: Strategic Management

    -Creating Social Impact Organization

    -Developing a Vision, Mission and Theory of Change

    August 13




    [Module 3] Social Entrepreneurship: Communications and Social Media

    [Module 4] Social Entrepreneurship: Environment Analysis

    [Module 5] Social Entrepreneurship: Implementation Plan

    August 20




    -1min Speech for Fundraising

    -Groups Feedback from invited experts

    August 24




    & Closing Ceremony

    -Social Enterprise Presentation (Group)

    -Video Screening

    -Announcement of Winners

    -Closing Remarks

    August 27


    Field Trip

    -Field Trip in Jeju Island *for a group in the 1st Rank

    August 28


  • *All lectures will be provided online and the winners will be invited to Jeju field trip
  • *The details of the program may be subject to change



  • Inquiry
  • Ms. Sungeun Ann, Program Officer

    Tel. 064-735-6573

    Email. seann.jitc@cifaljeju.org