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GSIS BK21 Special Lecture Series (10)

Event Date 2021-07-05
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Event Date : 2021-07-05

SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our Special Lecture Series.

For our tenth session, we have Professor Jaerim Choi from the Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, who will lecture on the theme: Globalization, Labor Markets, and Inequality in Korea”.

Please refer to the below abstract and poster for detailed information. 

* Abstract: This lecture will introduce two recent studies that investigate the impacts of globalization on labor markets in Korea. In the first study, the authors evaluate the impact of China trade shock on the Korean labor market using firm- and industry-level data for the period 1993–2013. They show that the net employment effect of the China shock in the manufacturing sector is the creation of 0.52 million jobs. This positive impact is mostly driven by China's rising demand for intermediate inputs and capital goods from Korea to support its export expansion to the global economy. The import-competition channel plays a negligible role in manufacturing employment because it creates temporary jobs that merely compensate for the loss in permanent jobs. In the second study, the authors answer whether multinational enterprises (MNEs) from more gender-equal countries bring gender-equal employment practices with them to a less gender-equal host country. Using firm-level data for Korea, a country with low gender equality, they find evidence that MNEs bring their country of origin’s gender norms in employment with them. They also show that the productivity increase caused by foreign acquisition can be attributed to workforce reorganization that may reduce gender-based misallocations of talent.

* Zoom Meeting (ID: 897 0089 9116) - Direct Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/89700899116 * Host & Contact: SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program (gsis_bk21@snu.ac.kr)