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GSIS BK21 Special Lecture Series (6)

Event Date 2021-04-23
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Event Date : 2021-04-23

<GSIS BK21 Special Lecture Series (6)>


SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program hosts various events inviting prominent figures to deliver distinguished lectures with our Special Lecture Series.

For our sixth session, we have Professor Jacques E. C. Hymans from the University of Southern California, who will lecture on the theme: “Paper Money Politics: Designing Currency, Seeking Legitimacy, Fashioning Identity”.

Please refer to the below abstract and poster for detailed information. Thank you.

*Abstract: The images that appear on banknotes are very revealing of the preeminent social values and collective memories of a political community. Why do different governments and central banks opt for certain banknote iconographies over others? In particular, why have some countries' banknotes moved beyond depictions of gods and statesmen, while others still focus on them? What explains the rapid global rise in depictions of creatives, wildlife, and named historical women? Do different rules apply to the globally dominant US dollar and to supranational currencies such as the euro? This book answers these questions with a combination of qualitative historical case studies and systematic statistical analysis.

* Zoom Meeting (ID: 867 7669 3951) - Direct Link: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/86776693951
* Host & Contact: SNU GSIS BK21 FOUR Program (gsis_bk21@snu.ac.kr)