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[한국유네스코협회연맹] 외국인과 함께하는 문화교실(CCAP) 자원활동가 2021년도 모집 Cross-Cultural Awareness Programme Volunteer Recruitment Guide for 2021
Event Date
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Event Date : 2021-03-16
외국인과 함께하는 문화교실(CCAP: Cross-Cultural Awareness Programme) 자원활동가 2021년도 모집 안내
CCAP: Cross-Cultural Awareness Programme Volunteer Recruitment Guide for 2021
1. Introduction한국유네스코협회연맹 주관, 교욱부 후원으로 1998년부터 진행해온 외국인과 함께하는 문화교실(CCAP: Cross-Cultural Awareness Programme) 은 국내 거주 외국인들이 문화교류자원활동가(CEV*)가 되어, 한국어 통역 자원활동가(KIV**)와 함게 팀을 이루어 한국의 초중고 학생들에게 여러 나라의 문화수업을 진행하는 프로그램입니다. 2021년도 자원활동가(CEV와 KIV)를 모집 중에 있으니 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 자세한 사항은 홈페 이지(ccap.or.kr) 내용을 참고바랍니다. [ *CEV: Cultural Exchange Volunteers **KIV: Korean Interpretation Volunteers ]
CCAP is organized by Korean National Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations(KNFUCA) with support from the Ministry of Education since 1998. It is a program to enhance the level of intercultural understanding among youth in Korea. 1 CEV and 1 KIV pair up to visit elementary to high school to introduce CEV’s motherland culture. Apply NOW to be a volunteer for CCAP! Please refer to the website(ccap.or.kr) for more details. [ *CEV: Cultural Exchange Volunteers **KIV: Korean Interpretation Volunteers ]
2. Schedule
- Application
- Submit Online Application before March 16th(Tuesday) 5pm & Must send Self-Interview by deadline
- Self-Interview (5~10min long)
- After submission of application, the guideline for Self-Interview Video will be provided via email. Send the video before March 16th(Tuesday) 23:59pm to ccap506@naver.com
- Announcement
- Result to be announced on March 19th(Friday) afternoon
- Orientation (OT)
- Online OT via ZOOM (link will be provided via email to those who pass interview) MUST ATTEND: March 21st(Sunday) 9:00am